Monday, February 27, 2017

Republican Obamacare Repeal Plan LEAKS: 6 Good Ideas, 4 Bad Ones

On Friday, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) said that Republicans might not repeal Obamacare because of the political costs associated with the fallout. Speaking with a local radio show in Alabama, Brooks stated, “there are, in my opinion, a significant number of congressmen who are being impacted by these kinds of protests and their spine is a little bit weak. And I don’t know if we’re going to be able to repeal Obamacare now because these folks who support Obamacare are very active, they’re putting pressure on congressmen and there’s not a counter-effort to steel the spine of some of these congressmen in tossup districts around the country.”
That could very well be true. It would also explain the draft Obamacare repeal and replace plan now circulating around Capitol Hill. That draft has some good ideas, but it also has some pretty terrible ideas re-enshrining central provisions of Obamacare. The biggest problem is this: by assuming the replacement of Obamacare with a non-transitional plan toward a nearly open market, Republicans take ownership of a government policy that shouldn’t be in the hands of the government.
Here are some of the good ideas: ...
Read the rest fron Ben Shapiro HERE.

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