Saturday, March 5, 2016

Thomas Sowell: How GOP Can Avoid The Worst Blunder Of All Time

Even if we accept the criticism of Sen. Cruz’s political enemies and critics that he is “opportunistic,” that charge loses some of its sting if he becomes president of the United States. What greater opportunity is there for him at that point? Becoming a great president, which is certainly what this country needs.
LINK: Thomas Sowell Endorses Ted Cruz
The worst political blunder of all time, according to scientist Freeman Dyson, was the decision of the emperor of China in 1433 to cut off his country from the outside world. In the wake of that decision, China lost its position in the forefront of human achievements and fell behind, over the centuries, to become a Third World country.
Before the end of this month, the United States of America may break that record for the worst political blunder of all time. Professor Dyson attributed the Chinese emperor’s blunder to “powerful people pursuing partisan squabbles and neglecting the long-range interests of the empire.” It can be our path to disaster as well.
After the results of “Super Tuesday,” we find ourselves with front-runners in their respective parties who each could, as President of the United States, take the decline of America under the Obama administration even further down, to a point of no return.
Read the rest of Thomas Sowell's op-ed HERE.

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