Saturday, March 19, 2016

ED Rollins op-ed: It's down to Trump and Cruz. Kasich is not part of the equation

Trump wins Florida! Trump wins 99 delegates -- the most this year! Trump wins Illinois! Trump wins North Carolina. Trump wins Missouri. Trump wins the Northern Mariana Islands (wherever the hell they are). But John Kasich narrowly wins his home state and the media treats it like we have a real race.
Ed Rollins
Trump had a giant night on Tuesday. The Ted Cruz who won the second highest number of delegates is barely mentioned.
The establishment now wants Kasich to be the challenger and Trump the stopper!
I like John and have known him for over 35 years. I am glad he won his home state of Ohio because he has been a good governor. But he's not going to be the 2016 Republican nominee.
He claimed Tuesday night that he is going to win Pennsylvania. He may not even qualify for the ballot in the Keystone State having failed to get the 2,000 signatures he needed. He has won nothing else this year and badly trails in delegates behind Trump and Cruz and even Rubio who correctly dropped out Tuesday night after losing his home state.
This contest is now down to Trump and Cruz. And I must warn John that Rubio, just four weeks ago, was the establishment favorite and has dropped like a rock ever since.
This is not the year to be the establishment favorite and by announcing that your convention team is composed of lobbyists and Washington campaign hacks (many of whom are my friends) it will add nothing to your efforts to win delegates.
John, your departure from this race is inevitable and the longer you delude yourself, the more painful it will be.
Read the rest of the op-ed HERE.

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