The U.S. attorney in Newark served subpoenas on Gov. Chris Christie's re-election campaign and the state GOP committee as the "Bridgegate" scandal became a federal case.
The call for documents from federal prosecutor Paul Fishman was confirmed Thursday by Mark Sheridan, an attorney whose firm represents both groups.
"The Christie for governor re-election campaign and the New Jersey Republican State Committee received subpoenas for documents from the U.S. Attorney's Office," said a statement from the law firm of Patton Boggs.
The subpoenas "focus on the closure of lanes on the George Washington Bridge," the statement continued. "The campaign and the state party intend to cooperate with the U.S. Attorney's Office ... and will respond to the subpoenas accordingly."Read the rest of the story HERE.
Cuccinelli calls on Christie to step down from Republican Governors Association:
A recent Republican gubernatorial candidate said Tuesday that "it makes sense" for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to step down as chairman of the Republican Governors Association.
Former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli said on CNN's "Crossfire" that Christie "does not serve the goals" of the RGA by finishing the rest of his one-year term.
"From the perspective of setting aside this as an issue in other races, it makes sense for him to step aside in that role," said Cuccinelli, who lost Virginia's governor's race last fall.Read the rest of the story HERE and listen to Cuccinelli's remarks below:
RNC Chair to CNN: Christie should stay at RGA:
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Preibus says New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie should remain in his job as chairman of the Republican Governors Association, pushing back on a call from Virginia’s losing GOP gubernatorial candidate for Christie to step down.
“No, not at all,” Preibus told CNN in response to whether he agrees with Ken Cuccinelli’s demand that Christie quit the RGA.Read the rest of the story HERE.
Fox News Poll: GOP voters sour on Christie:
A new Fox News national poll finds that the number of self-identified Republicans who believe Christie has a strong future in their party has dropped 22 percentage points since December 2012. Sixty-three percent of Republicans felt Christie had a strong future a year ago, while 41 percent feel that way now.Read the full story HERE.
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Cucinelli has a point. It's going to be tricky for Chistie to appear with anyone unless or until this all blows over. And that doesn't look like anytime soon.
Cuccinelli is a big talker for someone who lost to an old Clinton hack. Fact is he lost in Va and Christie won in Jersey. Cuccinelli had the much easier race and completely blew it. A Republican has to try to lose in Virginia to make it so.
Cooch did NOT "blow" the VA governor's race.
RNC chief Reince Priebus BLEW IT by not properly funding Cooch's campaign.
Governor Christie BLEW IT by publicly snubbing Cooch when he refused to make even ONE campaign appearance for him.
Governor McDonnell BLEW IT by destroying the GOP brand in VA with his influence peddling corruption scandal.
Robert Sarvis - a 3rd party "libertarian" candidate funded by Dems - BLEW IT by capturing 6.5% of the vote, almost all of which came from Republican and Republican-leaning voters, costing Cooch the election(he lost by only 2.6%).
Sure, Cooch made some mistakes, such as trying to play down his socially conservative views up until the final week or two of the campaign, and giving Ted Cruz the cold shoulder when he came to VA to campaign for the GOP ticket.
But by and large, Cooch should NOT be blamed for the outcome of that race.
The blame should be placed SQUARELY on the shoulders of Priebus, Christie, McDonnell and Sarvis.
CC gives Cucccinelli every single possible benefit of the doubt, and blames everyone BUT Cuccinelli when he truth he was a very WEAK candidate.
On the other hand, he never stops tearing Romney apart, and fails to blame anyone else, when Romney was NOT a weak candidate AT ALL. He was the best available.
Very revealing . . .
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