Thursday, September 5, 2013


Hard to argue with his logic here. It astounds me that so many Republicans are willing to follow Obama off the cliff on this. "You break it, you buy it" certainly applies here.
........“We certainly don’t have a dog in the fight,” Cruz said, calling it a civil war in Syria. “We should be focused on defending the United States of America. That’s why young men and women sign up to join the military, not to, as you know, serve as Al Qaeda’s air force.” 
Cruz noted that of the nine major rebel groups, seven have ties to Al-Qaeda. Cruz's colleagues, Sens. McCain and Graham, are pushing the Obama Administration to arm rebel forces with heavy weapons. It is unclear how the US would ensure that its weapons would go exclusively to the "right" rebel forces. Even if they were, it is likely that any post-Assad regime would be dominated by elements loyal to Al-Qaeda. 
“I’ll give you one of the simplest principles of foreign policy that we ought to be following," Cruz said. "Don’t give weapons to people who hate you. Don’t give weapons to people who want to kill you."
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Anonymous said...

Anything that divides Republicans is good for Obama, so maybe that is why he went to Congress. I mean come on, everything is political with this guy--even the lives of innocents. But I don't think this is a brawl we should have right now, since there are no good options, and no matter what we do, it's probably going to turn out badly--both inaction and action.

If we are going to do it, I wish he had just done it.


Ohio JOE said...

So who do you support Martha?

Right Wingnut said...

Apparently, Martha doesn't want to fight Obama on anything right now. Just roll over and take it.

Anonymous said...

OJ, America leading in the world is what I support.

RW, I didn't say that. I think we should be united, and not allow this to split us apart again, as Obama seems to be able to do in every instance. So whether we are for intervention or against it, we should not allow Obama to divide us. But I know that's sort of impossible in this situation.


Anonymous said...

To better explain myself--

Paul and Cruz can believe whatever they want to believe about action in Syria, and I respect that because I myself am not really in favor of going in. Mostly because I don't trust Obama not to bungle it, and I agree with Cruz, we have Al Qaeda involved.

But what I do not want to see is Cruz and Paul blowing things out of proportion and creating a needless firestorm/division in the GOP. I'm just thinking some respect for opposing positions is in order.


Right Wingnut said...

What has Cruz or Paul blown out of proportion?

The Democrats are at least as divided as the Republicans on this despite having one of their own in the White House.

It's time to oppose EVERYTHING Obama wants to do. Particularly these issues in which he does not have the support of the American people. Otherwise, why support the Republican Party?

Right Wingnut said...

It's all a game to some of these people in their ivory towers. Both parties.

Anonymous said...

RW, So far, neither Paul nor Cruz have blown anything out of proportion, but Paul is toying with a filibuster on it, and they both have a propensity for grandstanding.

Yes, the democrats are divided, too, but Obama is very good at exploiting our divisions.

I also agree, we need to oppose everything he wants to do, but in this case I believe there is at least some merit to action in Syria, so I completely understand why some Republicans think we should do something. I also think there ought to be something done, I just don't trust Obama to do it. He hasn't laid out a clear plan, and doesn't seem to really care enough to want some kind of success--whatever that may be.


Anonymous said...

Oh geez, what a mess this has become! A showdown, where America loses no matter what we decide tp do! Thanks, Obama, and thanks to the STUPID people who voted for him!
