Thursday, September 5, 2013

Something Different: Can You Explain this?

A video uploaded on Thursday, which has already garnered nearly half-a-million views on YouTube and generated multiple conspiracy theories, appears to depict strange noises being emitted from the Canadian sky — however, a city spokesperson says there is a perfectly logical, earthly explanation for what some are calling the “sky trumpets.” 
According to CBC News, multiple residents in Terrace, British Columbia were awoken by a loud whining noise which seemed to be falling down from the sky or rising from deep below the earth’s surface. 
“It seemed to be coming from the sky or underground, something so loud though. And I believe it was heard in Hazelton, which is close to here, and as far as the Nass,” said Mandi Campbell, who heard the noises Thursday morning. 
Some reportedly speculated the odd noise was related to an earthquake. Others thought it may be electromagnetic activity.
Read the rest HERE and view the related videos below:

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