This event happens every 11 years. My understanding is, as long as the change doesn't cause any 'major' solar storms we probably won't notice anything. If there are major storms, it could cause power grid disruptions (Blackouts), communication disruptions, etc.
I put up this post last week that you may want to take a look at:
MUST READ: Is KILLSHOT on it's Way? I'll let you decide if you think they are related or not.
I'm not predicting anything here nor trying to scare anybody. Just informing you about all the buzz surrounding this event...this time around.
Here are 2 segments on the topic just from the past few days:
America's New's Room:
Lou Dobbs Show:
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Please follow us on Twitter here.
Man, don't the tools on here know anything. It pains me to have to constantly educate babies.
The sun's magnetic 'flipping'/sunspot cycle is part of a regular 22 year cycle in which the sun's magnetic field eventually returns to it's 'original' magnetic orientation.
It is callused by he fact that the sun in a gaseous body- not a solid, and so does not rotate as a solid body does, such as our planet, which I'm not sure if many of you come from.
The suns undergoes DIFFERENTIAL ROTATION, meaning that different sections of the sun's 'surface' rotate at different speeds (about 25 days to complete a rotation near the centre, about 35 days at it's poles).
This differential rotation 'winds up' the sun's magnetic field lines (the sun has an immense magnetic field strength), and where, beneath the surface, the sun's field lines get particularly wound up, the field lines break the surface, the 'relive' it if magnetic tension (at that point) causing a SUNSPOT (and other associated solar effects). This starts at the polar regions, and works it's way down towards the equator as the "11" year cycle proceeds, with the filed lines getting more would up as time goes on (more time for the differential rotation t0 wind up the filed lines). Eventually, after 11 years or so, the magnetic field 'flips' so the sun's field is off opposite magnetic polarity (say a south magnetic pole 'leading' in the suns magnetic field as it rotates, the north magnetic pole 'following).
The exact same process occurs (would up field lines breaking through causing spots, coronal mass ejections, prominences etc)until the suns' filed flips back, 11 years later, so, after 22 YEARS, the orientation of the Sun's magnetic field as back to what it was in the beginning...and the cycle proceeds again.
What are the effects of a series of MAJOR solar storms?
What NORMALLY happens isn't the issue.
This is the first time this has happened since there has been major advances in Technology that the world (that means us too) have got used to rely on in our every day lives......This is all about WHAT IF....NOTHING MORE.
No need for a science lesson, no one gives a rat's ass
Can effect telecommunications.
If you were unaware of it in your day-to-day living whilst you have been a resident of planet Earth up until now, NOTHING during this max will make you aware of it either- unless you insist on reading all the conspiracy heads work.
I can't believe I'm actually writing this but...
"This is the first time this has happened since there has been major advances in Technology"
events in 2000 too----~ 11 years so.
"Solar activity has a regular cycle, with peaks approximately every 11 years. Near these activity peaks, solar flares can cause some interruption of satellite communications, although engineers are learning how to build electronics that are protected against most solar storms. But there is no special risk associated with 2012. The next solar maximum will occur in the 2012-2014 time frame and is predicted to be an average solar cycle, no different than previous cycles throughout history. (NASA)"
As RomneyMan's hero Alinsky is an Al Capone gangster it is highly likely that every poster at this site is WAY AHEAD of him.
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