Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Somebody needs to look Sen. Lindsey Graham in the eye and say, "STHU" about Egypt

Graham had this to say Sunday:
...Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who visited Egypt this month in a failed attempt to broker a political settlement, was among several Republicans who urged the Obama administration to cut off aid. Graham said the crackdown by the Egyptian military, led by Gen. Abdel-Fatah el-Sissi, risked fueling a domestic insurgency that could threaten Israel’s security and wider U.S. interests in the region. 
"Somebody needs to look Sissi in the eye and say, ‘You’re going to destroy Egypt. You’re going to doom your country to a beggar state. You’re going to create an insurgency for generations to come,’" Graham said on CBS’s "Face the Nation."
Graham is proving to be the Muslim Brotherhoods biggest fan. What doesn't this Jackass get?

The Majority of Egytians DON"T WANT any part of the Muslim Brotherhood or their politics. Gen. el-Sissi is proving to be a voice of reason:
Speaking of the violence this past week, el Sissi and others repeatedly commended the government’s “self restraint” and said they, too, were saddened by the loss of life. El Sissi spoke to Army forces Sunday. Such rhetoric, coupled with Morsi supporters’ conviction that the cause is worth dying for, has turned Egypt into battle between willing assassins and willing martyrs.
“We will not stand by silently watching the destruction of the country and the people or the torching (of) the nation and terrorizing the citizens," El Sissi was quoted as saying in a post on the military’s Facebook page. 
El Sissi, who announced Morsi’s removal, said the government would reconcile with those with no blood on their hands, but offered no specifics about who that included or what reconciliation could look like. 
"There is room for everyone in Egypt, and we are cautious about every drop of Egyptian blood," el Sissi said.
So Senator whether you like it or not, Egypt is on the pathway towards a Secular Government...You not ruled from a Mosgue (Morsi/Muslim Brotherhood). One where ALL EGYPTIANS regardless of their faith will be able to live without fear and those who would interfere with that right to live in peace will be HARSHLY punished.

So keep your asinine comments in your mouth. I only hope the new Egyptian Government realizes that they don't have a monopoly on nut cases. We have them here too.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sad about the chaos and loss of life, but I am happy and pleasantly surprised that the people of Egypt are showing that they DO NOT WANT an Islamic state.

And yes, Graham needs to go away.
