Thursday, August 29, 2013

Sen Ted Cruz: ‘Protecting US National Security Is Only Justifiable Reason to Use Military Action in Syria,’ (Full Video 08-26-13)

Cruz made those Comments to Sean Hannity:

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Joel2013 said...

Dead is dead is dead, regardless of the methods used in my opinion. Whether it be gunfire, bombings, or drone attacks. If I am not mistaken we are the ones who are arming these rebels, so it should be no surprise this regime will do whatever it takes to survive. Harsh reality. If we are about to attack this country using cruise missiles, what makes it any different? Dead is dead is dead, right? And what about the reports of the rebels being behind this attack? We are moving way to swiftly on this. More details on what really happened needs to come out in my opinion.

Right Wingnut said...

Very sensible commentary from Sen Cruz.


Hannity: If Republicans won't defund ObamaCare, I don't see any difference between them and the Democrats.

Cruz: Well there is one difference, Sean. The only members of Congress fighting hard NOT to defund ObamaCare are Republicans. Democrats are NOT out there saying we must fund ObamaCare. Republicans are.

Perfect. Absolutely perfect.

This is why the GOP's conservative base LOVES Cruz.

Because he refuses to mince words and play "nice".

Because he refuses to conduct business as usual.

Because he refuses to look the other way while the country goes to hell in a hand basket.

Anonymous said...

Newark, the above quote by Cruz is the reason he cannot be trusted. because he fights the wrong battles too often. He is more interested in opposing Republicans than Democrats. It seems to the the only thing that animates him a lot of the time. It has a place, but he takes it far too far. He actually helps Democrats and Obama by doing it.
