Saturday, August 17, 2013

RNC Chair: Romney's 'self-deportation' comments 'horrific'

Whether or not Romney would have maintained his tough stance on illegal immigration is debatable, but I liked what he had to say on the issue during the campaign. RNC Chairman, Reince Priebus, clearly did not.
....Mitt Romney repeatedly used the term during the Republican primary campaign to talk about how his immigration enforcement policies would lead to unauthorized immigrants leaving the U.S. of their own accord, rather than needing to be deported. 
“Using the word ‘self-deportation’ — it’s a horrific comment to make,” Priebus said, in a forceful rebuke. “I don’t think it has anything to do with our party. When someone makes those comments, obviously, it hurts us.”…
Here's the audio:

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Anonymous said...

I never expected to hear the words "I liked" followed by Anything Romney did come out of your mouth, RW.

Still, if yo'u're going back the man on even a minor point like this, this is a good one to pick. Well done. Priebus' comments were nasty. It's absolutely not appropriate nor is it wise--and it's even a bit depraved --for the head of a political party who spent all of last year promoting the nominee to then come out and condemn him as a racist.

RomneyMan said...

Yes, Romney's self deportation 'policy' wasn't hurtful...what was Romney's Hispanic voting percentage in the last election again?

Right Wingnut said...

I've always thought this guy comes off as a slime ball. His face on national TV speaking for the Republican Party is 'horrific' and 'hurts us.'

Anonymous said...

The idea is that if you enforce existing laws, self-deportation is the result. It made perfect sense to Romney, and it does to me. but it didn't sound good, especially in our political world of superficiality.

Romney was the REAL DEAL. I have no doubt in my mind that he would have dealt with the immigration problem as a true fixer.

Priebus pretty much stinks. He did NOT do what he should have been doing to get a Republican into the White House. He was just so meh about Romney.



Hey Reince, the RNC's get-out-the-vote effort on November 6th, 2012 was INFINITELY MORE HORRIFIC than Romney's poor choice of words regarding illegal aliens voluntarily returning to their native countries.

Priebus has been a COMPLETE DISASTER since becoming RNC Chairman in January of 2011.

His attempt to build on GOP momentum from the 2010 midterm elections was a MISERABLE FAILURE in the 2012 election cycle, and he followed up that debacle with an all-out push for amnesty, citizenship and voting rights for 30 million illegal aliens that, if successful, would make the Democratic Party a national majority party forevermore.

Priebus was one of the driving forces behind the Gang of Eight amnesty bill that only 14 out of 46 Republican Senators voted for.

Priebus is COMPLETELY OUT OF TOUCH with the political party that he supposedly "leads".

Priebus MUST BE REPLACED ASAP as RNC Chairman by a REAL political strategist and a REAL conservative if the GOP ever hopes to regain the White House and retain power in Congress.

cimbri said...

The self deportation line was completely logical. Everyone goes to where ever the work is. If you cannot work or live in a given area, you move to another location. I still haven't figured out why people are so dense about this subject. Get tough on work verification, and after while, the undocumented will go back home or to another place where they can work.

Pablo said...

I´m with Reince on this one.

Right Wingnut said...

Of course you are.....

Nemesis said...

Reince, I've self-deported from the Republican Party. You are a fool and a knave.

Anonymous said...

Romney must still be a threat to you RW. Otherwise, you'd be focused on your nutty candidates, and not trying to tear down the best we've had in a generation.

Good luck with that.