Saturday, August 17, 2013

Op-ed: Unjustified Self Pity Award of the Year - Million Muslim March

Do you believe Signs like this are in America's Future?
If you head over to the AMPAC website, one of the first messages you see near the top of the page is, 'Join AMPAC on a Historic Moment on 9/11/13 for Establishing the Humanity and Justice through Civil Rights Movement.' 

Humanity?  Civil Rights? You're kidding me Right?

Would there be 'Humanity' and 'Civil Rights' in the AMPAC ANSWERS to the following Questions?
  • Does 'Sharia Law' have a place ANYWHERE in American? 
  • Does 'honor killing' have a place anywhere in America? 
  • WHY IS IT that in countries where Muslims are in control, minorities such as Christians are continually being persecuted and in some cases murdered...YET in countries where Muslims are the minority, they cry for their rights to exist in those places? 
  • Where is your concern and outrage over the Americans that were tortured and killed in Benghazi by radical Islamists?. 
  • Where is your concern and outrage over Coptic Christians in Egypt/Syria continually being persecuted and murdered by radical Islamists? 
  • Where is your concern and outrage over the murders committed by Nidal Malik Hasan? 
 ..........I like this Quote by Muhammad that's posted on the site:
Whoever sees an injustice should set it right by means of his hand; if not, by his tongue; if not, then by his heart and that is considered to be the weakest of faith.” (emphasis mine)
Well..I haven't heard any 'tongues' condemning what I've pointed out above. That's been the Islamic Community's big PR problem in America.....DEAD SILENCE!

If Muslims and their leaders in America had been speaking out LOUDLY AND CONDEMNING the acts of radical Islamists around the world all along....PERHAPS you wouldn't feel the need to be on the 'defensive'.

Maybe American Muslims are looked on with suspicion by many BECAUSE OF YOUR COLLECTIVE SILENCE? WE DON'T KNOW WHERE YOU STAND...'That's' the problem.

My guess is..if there had been a Million Muslim March against Islamic Extremism scheduled instead,  Non-Muslim attendance would have easily put the event over the million mark. More importantly, it would have brought Muslims and Non-Muslims together under a common cause......Maybe next time?

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1 comment:

Joel2013 said...

I agree with Romney and this individual is part of the problem our party has today. He is a horrible leader, where did he come from in the first place? Never heard of him. Self deportation was a good policy for dealing with the issue of illegals already here in the country rather than forced deportation. You have to attack each issue separately and self deportation is definitely not amnesty.