Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Palin, Conservative In Mouth Only

Over the weekend, reality TV star and CIMO (Conservative In Mouth Only -- I want that trademarked) Sarah Palin stated that Chris Christie is for "big government." Is that true? How did the half term of Sarah Palin compare with the full term (going on two) of Chris Christie? Well, ladies and gents, I have prepared a nice chart.

Palin was responsible for the 2008-2010 FY budgets. (source:USGovernmentspending.com)

2007    $11.7 Billion

2008    $12.9 Billion  10.2% increase

2009   $14.6 Billion   13.2% increase

2010   $14.5 Billion    .68% decrease

Average Increase:      7.9% increase
Christie was responsible for the 2011-2014 FY budgets
2010  $28.9 Billion

2011  $28.3 Billion 2% decrease

2012  $29.6 Billion  4.6% increase

2013  $31.6 Billion  6.7% increase

2014 $32.9 Billion  4.1% increase

Average Increase: 3.5% increase
That´s right, Palin had double the rate of growth that Christie had.
As I mentioned in my last post, Rick Perry averages 8% increases in his budgets (at least the last few years). So we have got to stop the CIMOs before they put us all in debt. They are always - how is that Palin described Christie - getting along to get along.


Romneyman said...


Add also that to the wider electorate, one is a laughing stock, whilst the other isn't.

Awesome, keep them coming.

Owning the *true* conservatives here on a daily basis.

Two thumbs way up!

Anonymous said...

Statistics can be manipulated. Let's not cannibalize ourselves.

RomneyMan said...

Indeed, it's always great to have *anonymous* experts.

I'm anonymous and I approve this message.

Katrina L. Lantz said...

I don't know if this blog counts as "cannibalizing" ourselves since Palin hasn't been a contributing public servant for several years now. That's why "in mouth only" is such a perfect way of putting it for her. What has she DONE for us lately?

Even Mitt Romney, while enjoying semi-retirement and his family, is campaigning for OUR people and fundraising up the wazoo for our campaign efforts. Sarah Palin seems to go out of her way to criticize instead of campaign. This is the woman who pseudo-endorsed Newt Gingrich mid-way through the primaries and then insisted it wasn't an official endorsement. "If I lived in North Carolina, I'd vote for Newt." How is that not an endorsement? She plays political games. Whatever she was in 2008, she's become something of an attention-hound, unreliable, and a cannibal in her own rite.

Pablo said...

Katrina, you have a very interesting blog about literature! Very cool!

As far as the cannibalizing goes, I would add to Katrina´s comment -- Palin is the one who goes on TV and encourages the conservative movement to take positions and make declarations that would obviously make it harder for them to succeed. She then has the "cojones" to label a man a big government Republican when she literally grew her state government at double the rate than said "big government" conservative. So, no I am not cannabalizing somebody who is trying to cannabalize real conservatives. I am simply pointing out the hypocracy. "Moderate" Republicans are just flat out more conservative than the "conservatives." Plain and simple. And, as RomneyMan noted, Christie is not a national laughingstock. So I will go with the guy who is more conservative and has the ability to influence America.

Anonymous said...

Bravo Pablo. She and Obama have this in common: Don't get between either and a camera.

Anonymous said...

Palin also criticized Christie for being a publicity hound, if you can even imagine the irony of that.
