The following are 19 very disturbing facts about illegal immigration that every American should know…
#1 57 percent of all households that are led by an immigrant (legal or illegal) are enrolled in at least one welfare program.
#2 According to one study, the cost to U.S. taxpayers of legalizing current illegal immigrants would be approximately 6.3 trillion dollars over the next 50 years.
#3 The Obama administration has distributed flyers that tell illegal immigrants that their immigration status will not be checked when they apply for food stamps.
#4 The Department of Homeland Security says that it has lost track of a million people that have entered this country but that appear never to have left.
#5 One out of every five children living in Los Angeles County has a parent that is in the country illegally.
#6 In one recent year, taxpayers in Los Angeles County spent 600 million dollars on welfare for children of illegal immigrants.
#7 Thanks to illegal immigration, California’s overstretched health care system is on the verge of collapse. Dozens of California hospitals and emergency rooms have shut down over the past decade because they could not afford to stay open after being endlessly swamped by illegal immigrants who were simply not able to pay for the services that they were receiving. As a result, the remainder of the health care system in the state of California is now beyond overloaded. This had led to brutally long waits, diverted ambulances and even unnecessary patient deaths. At this point, the state of California now ranks dead last out of all 50 states in the number of emergency rooms per million people.
#8 It has been estimated that U.S. taxpayers spend $12,000,000,000 a year on primary and secondary school education for the children of illegal immigrants.
Which should I hire? |
#9 It is estimated that illegal aliens make up approximately 30 percent of the population in federal, state and local prisons and that the total cost of incarcerating them is more than $1.6 billion annually.
Read the rest of the facts HERE.#10 The federal government actually has a website that teaches immigrants how to sign up for welfare programs once they arrive in the United States.
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Ha, ha, ha. Yes, there is ONE "study" that estimates that legalizing illegal immigrants would cost 6.3 trillion dollars over the next 50 years. It was conduced by the Heritage Foundation who chose to look at the costs and not at the benefits. So, yes, that is a fair number so long as the illegal immigrants pay no taxes, income or sales or anything over the next fifty years. Their "study" was a big lie and thankfully they were soundly called out for it. I should do a study of how many white people are going to cost taxpayers but I will only examine how much welfare and social security they take out of the federal government and I won´t look at the taxes they paid. I bet I will find that white people will cost way more money than illegal immigrants (because they are more of them). Please look at the recent CBO calcuation that included the benefits and you will see that legalizing illegal immigrants would shave billions of dollars off of the defecit. Legalzing illegal immigrants is, at least fiscally, a net positive for the United States.
The real issue is the lack of dyanimc scoring that Heritage using in their study. They always use dynamic scoring except when analying immigration because they want to arrive a certain position.
Pablo, how about the other 18?
Hey Pablo, how has massive illegal immigration worked out for California's economy, California's state budget and California's Republican Party?
"Dynamic scoring"?!?!?
You must be joking. Or you're just having another bad day.
Give it a rest already. You have NO CREDIBILITY on this subject.
Pablo has been for full blown amnesty for quite some time, so you really have to take what he says on the issue with a huge grain of salt. Come to think of it, that pretty much applies to any issue.
He's a yalented writer, but like most liberals, he uses flawed logic to make his points, which makes many of his arguments rather unconvincing.
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