Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Chris Christie calls sports reporter a 'dope' and 'an idiot'

What makes this seem especially petty is that the dispute is over a coaching decision in a New York Jets preseason football game.

Let's play a game, boys and girls! Presidential....or not?

Never mind whether he has the temperament to run the country. Could this clown make it through a long national campaign without completely losing it?
......"Manesh Mehta is an idiot. The guy is a complete idiot, self-consumed, underpaid, reporter," Christie said Monday while guest hosting a New York sports program on WFAN radio.
Mehta and other reporters questioned the New York Jets' decision to play quarterback Mark Sanchez in the fourth quarter of a Sunday night pre-season game, when he suffered a shoulder injury. He was put in to relieve the team's rookie quarterback, who played the first three quarters of that matchup with the New York Giants.
Christie said on the show that the conversation shouldn't be about Mehta, and rather "it should be about the Sanchez decision and we shouldn't be giving this dope the amount of airtime we've given him already."
 But Christie wasn't done.
 "Let's give him a nickname - what do you want, M&M?" he was asked.
Christie replied: "The Dope"......
More here

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RomneyMan said...

"Let's play a game, boys and girls! Presidential....or not?"

Called, perhaps, acting in a way people can relate to?
For example, many of the 'endering' 'qualities' of OB, and what makes him likable to the vast majority of the public are his singing and the likes of calling disgraced rappers 'jack asses'.
For example, watch this Crossroads Rove ad during the last election, which, supposedly highlighting OB's 'coolness' and 'unpresidential' flaws, actually does the opposite to its intentions:

Joel2013 said...

Useless post.

Ohio JOE said...

That RW, this exploding Loose cannon is not fit to be President!

Anonymous said...

This is the main reason I don't trust Christie.



RM -

Democrat presidents are always "likable" because the State Run Media ALWAYS SAYS THAT THEY'RE LIKABLE.

Obama is "likable", Clinton was "likable", Carter was "likable", JFK was "likable", Truman was "likable", the list goes on.

I skipped LBJ because he was so damn unlikable that not even the State Run Media could save him. A classic case of the exception that proves the rule.

RomneyMan said...

So was W- a Republican. So was Reagan- a Democrat, sorry, a Republican.

cimbri said...

He was on a sports show talking football. Most yankees are very fanatical about their sports teams. It doesn't hurt his ability to peel off a northern state. Whether or not, some stuffy fake conservatives stay home as a result, is another matter. They'll think of some excuse, I'm sure of that.

RomneyMan said...

Good last comment.

Indeed, people just look to much into things. Trying to see what is often not there.

It would be nasty to have your every word dissected for future reference.
Politics I guess.

8 months