Monday, July 8, 2013

Voicing Our Opposition in Peace


The best thing for the president and his party is a disorganized, scattered opposition. (That would be us.) That was the point behind IRS targeting, and mainstream news pieces calling Marco Rubio a traitor to his party: to leave us disorganized and fighting each other. You've probably seen your share of calls for protest on facebook, but I thought this one deserved special attention because its mission is simple and highly doable:
"The hope is to have protests in many places and at many different times as to accommodate everyone who would like to attend."
Personally, I don't think impeachment is the answer. That's a long process that grants legitimacy to an illegitimate ruler. What we need is to nullify what has been proven to be a corrupted election, and have special elections. President Obama is--in every way--an impostor. While we wait for the inevitable Congressional hearings on his legitimacy (we do have due process for these things, after all), it makes sense to express our opposition using our First Amendment rights. I think this Overpasses to Impeach Obama movement does exactly that, and does it peacefully, without a confrontation with our own military at the nation's capitol.

I think it's fine to admire the Egyptian people for coming out in historically huge numbers to protest a "democratically elected" president who subverted and completely collapsed their constitution! And of course we sympathize when we've got a Constitution-subverting tyrant of our own cramming extensive EPA regulations and Obamacare fine print down the throats of our small businesses and individuals.

Every single day there's a new statement out of the White House about how President Obama is going to circumvent the contentious congress to GET THINGS DONE. He sees our Constitution as a flawed document (a former student of Constitutional law!) that needs to be improved upon. But he's not improving it by adding anti-slavery amendments or equal-treatment-under-the-law amendments or women's franchise amendments. He's not attempting to operate within the law at all. For a man with a Harvard law degree, he's shown a shocking disdain for legal process, refusing to support actual laws and creating unConstitutional laws (like the Obamacare taxes) instead. As the scope of his abuses of executive branch departments becomes clearer, there's even reason to fear our Supreme Court has been compromised by spying and blackmail. President Obama has done much to shatter our confidence in his administration.

Yes, we have every reason to be in the streets protesting.


There are key differences between us and Egypt, and frankly, we're still in a better position than those oppressed Egyptians who came out by the millions to oust President Morsi.

1. The Egyptian people have been suffering far worse economic conditions, more like Great Depression era conditions. Their electrical power has been spotty for months now, and got even worse the week of the big protest. Their daily funds are a couple dollars to our hundreds. Many of the people who got out to protest are now in the pitiable condition of having NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE.  
2. The Egyptian people have a military who likes to side with the people over the government, and has done so twice now in two years. 

One thing between the two countries is the same: a confrontation at the capitol will result in battles between citizen groups and the military, and encourage lawlessness like the shameful plague of sexual assaults we've seen in Egypt and in our own Occupy Wall Street camps. Ultimately, it would result in heightened tensions between the people and the government, incite civil war or civil war preparations which prohibit peaceful solutions.

We don't have a military or police force that sides with the people over the government. We don't have Depression-era conditions in most of the U.S... yet. We don't want civil war or unsafe conditions for women in our major cities.

Which means we have every reason to show restraint. 

Yes, we ought to protest! Be as loud as you want to be! But be wise. What can I say more?

p.s. Sheriff Joe is being charged by the Department of Justice for widespread discrimination and retaliation, a "disregard for Constitutional rights." The Department of Justice has been investigating this for three years, but has not bothered to investigate Fast and Furious nearly half as long. Why? Because Sheriff Joe is currently talking to Washington leaders in an attempt to get Congressional hearings on the fraud issue. Sheriff Joe has said their investigation began with the birth certificate fraud but now includes strong evidence of  many people surrounding the White House deliberately deceiving the public about President Obama's legal documents and history. It's not even a "birther" issue anymore; it's gotten so much bigger than that. Sheriff Joe also recently survived a recall election spurred by out-of-state critics. The only thing he's changed in his job as Sheriff of Maricopa County is this investigation. He's being targeted for refusing to let it go. Watch and wait, my friends. Either he'll be crushed by the government or he may be instrumental in bringing down the most corrupt government administration in U.S. history.

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Great essay, Katrina. I agree with everything you wrote except for the part about Marco Rubio.

Rubio IS a traitor to his party and country not only for pushing amnesty, but for doing so in the most dishonest and deceitful ways imaginable.

I have not seen or heard any "mainstream news pieces calling Marco Rubio a traitor to his party", but I have seen and heard numerous CONSERVATIVE commentators call him that.

Nonetheless, great essay, Katrina. I enjoyed reading it.

Katrina L. Lantz said...

Thanks for the comment, NH! I read all about traitor Rubio... on Politico, I believe. After President Obama's campaign effectively nailed Obamacare to Romney through "Romneycare" two years before the election I am wary of Democrats planting seeds of discord. It drives me nuts that they get away with it. Yes, immigration reform is an important topic and not all Republicans agree on it. That's why I can't call Rubio a traitor. A noob, maybe, but not a traitor. You have to be in for a while, do some McCain/Graham-type things for me to use the T word. We'll see what comes of this. All I know is that the intra-party discord has kept us from even TALKING about what needs to be done on immigration. And when that happens, the Democrat party "wins" which is all they care about. Remember, it's a game to them--a power game. To us, it's real life. But if we can't keep ourselves from being divided, they will continue to face a scattered and ineffective opposition. 2010 Tea Party power was awesome! We were united against a common enemy. We haven't been since (although we came close election day 2012) and I believe with all my heart Romney won legally. I pray the Cold Case Posse gets their findings out into the public soon via Congress, and that nobody mysteriously dies in the process (Andrew Breitbart, anyone?).

Right Wingnut said...


I say this with all due respect, but Rubio IS doing McCain/Graham type things.

I used to really like him! In fact, there's a blog post on here from me calling for Romney to pick him for VP. Look it up.

Katrina L. Lantz said...

RWN, I think I remember that, actually. :) But don't you think it's a little fast? I have whiplash from how quickly he's been disowned. And the bill hasn't even become law yet.

I only want us to be more cohesive as a party, a little more loyal, especially when the seeds for discord are so obviously planted (or the fires stoked) by Democrats.

Katrina L. Lantz said...

btw, I love your avatar!


I guess that I'm just much less forgiving than you are, Katrina.

I have ZERO TOLERANCE for politicians like Rubio who lie through their teeth, especially when they lie about existential, nation-changing issues like amnesty for 30 million - NOT 11 million - illegal aliens.

But I couldn't agree with you more about Sheriff Joe and his Cold Case Posse. I'm very hopeful that they can pressure Congress into finally doing a serious investigation of Obama's forged and fraudulent personal documents.

PS - I tried to google articles about Rubio being a traitor, and nothing came up from Politico, but a lot came up from conservative websites and bloggers. If Politico did indeed write about Rubio being "a traitor", they were probably quoting a conservative commentator like Ann Coulter or Pat Buchanan.

Right Wingnut said...

I know LOTS of people who were ready to rally around Rubio. Not any more, although a few of the low information folks may not be caught up. That's not to say he can't be the nominee anymore. He will certainly have big money on his side if he gets in. Amnesty is good for big business, and they have bought off Rubio.

Right Wingnut said...

As for the avatar, I've been meaning to change it. On my Disqus account, I have a picture of my Golden Retriever.

Katrina L. Lantz said...

Here's a good round-up of early reactions before a bill was even seen:

The Politico headline, dated late April, was, "Marco Rubio works both sides on immigration."

But I don't want Rubio to be the nominee. I firmly believe the president needs to be a natural citizen, not a naturalized citizen, and that means U.S. parents.

Katrina L. Lantz said...

Oh my, that's April 2012! So basically he was doomed from the moment he suggested a Republican solution to immigration.


Katrina -

I just read that Politico article you referenced.

It was VERY COMPLIMENTARY of Rubio's amnesty push.

It did not mention anything about Rubio being "a traitor".

Exactly what I would expect from a left-wing site like Politico.

Gotta get some sleep. Catch you later. Good night.

Katrina L. Lantz said...

That's kind of the point. "Reaching across the aisle" and such language is an insult among conservatives. When I said mainstream media called him a traitor to Republicans, it wasn't meant to be a direct quote.

"Marco Rubio works both sides on immigration." - Politico

Liberals know "works both sides" is like saying "abandons his principles" to the Right. The liberal media early and often talked about how Rubio would have to walk a fine line to please conservatives and work with Democrats.

It's just a fact that Democrats happily help us put our heroes up on pedestals and then cheerfully tear them down while daring us to defend them and become hypocrites to our beloved principles.

I still remember when Christie was the darling before the right disowned him. Leftist media likes to throw conservatives a bone: "Good job, Republicans, you finally picked somebody we can respect." That's part of what makes them heroes to us, that they're able to impress both sides with their charisma/forceful arguments/refreshing candor/personal story. And then when we think we've picked a winner who can rally the base + moderates, the leftist media pulls the rug out by calling us hypocrites for supporting someone who espouses {insert moderate or liberal policy here}. We're exactly like the goofy sidekick on old TV shows who couldn't bear to be called yellow or chicken. Except our key word is hypocrite. The minute Dems pull it out, we're ready to lynch our own rather than be associated with them.

It's just what I've seen in my very short career as a political watcher.

I haven't read details on the House bill yet, but I hope to find it more nationalistic than the Senate bill. Boehner promises they won't be using the Senate bill as a template, though, so we'll see: