Monday, July 15, 2013

Union Leaders: Cry Me A River..OR..

We should have read the Damn Bill before we supported it....hahahaha...


I love reading stories about morons.....Unions MORE THAN ANYONE, pushed to pass Obamacare. Now they're not happy with the fact their sweetheart deals aren't quite what they expected..hahahaha...

The presidents of the three of the nation's biggest labor unions, who say they have been stonewalled by the White House, are asking Democratic leaders in Congress to change the new health-care law, which they say would otherwise devastate union-sponsored health-insurance plans. 
Since last year, union leaders have complained that many of the law's requirements will drive up costs for union-sponsored health-care plans that are managed jointly by unions and mostly small employers, making unionized workers less competitive and potentially causing unionized employers to drop the plans that cover more than 20 million people.
To offset the expected rising costs of these "multiemployer" plans, several union groups want their lower-paid members to be able to remain on the plans while also getting access to federal insurance subsidies to be provided under the law. Their problem is that under the law, the subsidies were designed to be used by low-income workers who don't have employer coverage, as a way to help them buy private insurance. The bottom line: they want lawmakers to apply the subsidies to people in the multiemployer plans. 
In a letter dated July 11 to Sen. Harry Reid and Rep. Nancy Pelosi, union officials also said they are concerned the Affordable Care Act is leading employers to cut workers' hours below 30 hours a week so that workers can avoid requirements to provide health coverage for those workers in the future.
Without changes, the health-care law "will shatter not only our hard-earned health benefits, but destroy the foundation of the 40 hour work week that is the backbone of the American middle class," the union officials wrote. 
The letter, which contains some of the harshest language to date aimed at the Obama administration over a law unions supported, was written by James Hoffa, president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters; Joseph Hansen, president of the United Food and Commercial Workers; and D. Taylor, president of Unite Here, which represents hotel and food service workers.
Read the rest HERE.

...hahahaha...Lets keep an eye on this one folks. If they get their way, all hell will break loose.

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BOSMAN said...

I never miss an opportunity to slam Unions..especially around Obamacare. Their problem was, they listened to Nancy Pelosi..instead of READING THE BILL before the supported it with their Obnoxious efforts.and there were lots of those. So TO THEM..You don't like fact that you got THE SHAFT instead of a deal...LIVE WITH IT....You made your bed NOW LIE IN IT.

Of course you could always support GOP efforts to take back the Senate...but I won't hold my breath.

Ohio JOE said...

If you and I could figure that out, why could not they?