Monday, July 15, 2013

Obama Administration Deporting Nowhere Near their Pledged Goal of 400,000 Illegal Immigrants

...The latest numbers released by Immigration and Customs Enforcement to The Washington Times show that so far in fiscal 2013, the administration has deported more than 110,000 illegal immigrants who had no criminal records. 
Numbers compiled and released by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC), a research group at Syracuse University, show the administration has begun pursuing deportation against about 100,000 people for immigration violations, rather than criminal charges, so far this year.
TRAC, which looks at federal filings in immigration courts, says 14.7 percent of removal cases filed by the administration this year have alleged criminal violations. That figure has dropped steadily from 16.6 percent in 2010. 
Although the drop isn’t steep, the trend suggests that the administration is finding it increasingly difficult to meet its goal of deporting 400,000 people a year while focusing chiefly on the most dangerous immigrants. 
“They’re not achieving their stated goals,” said David Burnham at TRAC. “They have been claiming ‘We’re going to go after criminals,’ and this decline is big in comparison to that rhetoric.”...
Read the full story HERE.

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BOSMAN said...

If the feds just Enforced current laws to begin with, we wouldn't be looking to add more laws for them not to enforce. SECURE THE BORDER FIRST..everything else is BS.

Anonymous said...

Obama also cooked the books on his deportation numbers. He was caught counting the same people he previously deported, who'd returned, and he'd then send them back and count this deportation again. Obama does fraud and is a fraud.


@ Anonymous 1:55 PM

Good point. Obama also IMPROPERLY counted as "deported" people apprehended at the border, breaking the long-established precedent of NOT including those apprehensions in the deportation numbers.