Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Twitter pic of the day.... You’re the driver in Los Angeles today: What would you do?

Adam Baldwin ‏@AdamBaldwin 8h You’re the driver in Los Angeles today: What would you do? ~ pic.twitter.com/3YnXQljZHP

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BOSMAN said...

Step on the Gas if they didn't harm my vehicle.

IF THEY DID, I'd take GLOCK .45 and make a citizens arrest and for THEIR SAKE, I better not feel threatened.

Right Wingnut said...

I would hit the gas....slowly at first, to give them a chance to back off. If they continued, I would not feel one bit guilty about the consequences.

Ohio JOE said...

Why cannot they clowns learn to behave?

Anonymous said...

I'd lock my doors and floor it in reverse! There are too many people there from me to stand my ground.

Anonymous said...

Id never slow down....im sure my f150 wouldnt have a problem going over them at all

Anonymous said...

Damn That's quite a chimp out.

Anonymous said...

Put in the clip and start poppin caps. Maybe these dumb bastards would start acting like civilized humans if there are penalties for acting like uncivilized douche bags

Anonymous said...

Step on the accelerator, then slam on the brakes, then swerve left and accelerate