Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Justice for Christopher

Andrea Plescia and I, Diane Sori, created this event to show what really should be protested. Trayvon Martin had a choice…he could have simply turned and walked away. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, Ex-Navy Seals Tyrone Woods and Glen Dougherty had NO choice as they were deliberately and with malice left behind to be murdered by muslim terrorists.
On Saturday, July 20, 2013, the same day race-baiter Al Sharpton has called for protests across the country to honor a thug and spread hate and retaliation against George Zimmerman, a man found NOT guilty by a jury of his peers, we ask that everyone change their profile pics for that one day to protest a real crime…the Obama administration’s decision to leave our Ambassador and the others behind.


justice for christopher1

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Anonymous said...

AMEN! Justice for Christopher is a FANTASTIC idea.


Diane Sori said...
