Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The DOJ Defunded a Young Marines Program for references to God

A Louisiana sheriff has received bipartisan support in his fight against the Department of Justice after they denied thousands of dollars in funding to the Young Marines because the program’s oath placed “special emphasis on the love of God and fidelity to our country.” 
“We were informed that these are unacceptable, inherently religious activities and the Department of Justice would not be able to fund the programs if it continued,” Sheriff Julian Whittington told Fox News. “They wanted a letter from me stating that I would no longer have voluntary prayer and I would also have to remove ‘God’ from the Young Marine’s oath.”
The sheriff refused to sign any document pledging not to pray and as a result the department lost its funding. The Liberty Institute is representing the sheriff’s office as they try to get back $30,000 in government funding. 
Meanwhile, Gov. Bobby Jindal has issued a proclamation urging the DOJ to restore funding and U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu has introduced legislation to forbid the federal government from defunding programs because of religious activity.
Read the rest of the story HERE and view a related video below:


Bossier Sheriff Chapter of the Young Marines is HERE.
The National Website is HERE.

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BOSMAN said...

Doesn't the DOJ have something better to do Other than harass a great Program for America's youth?

Anonymous said...

And here I thought they would be too busy investigating their own lies to Congress to participate in anti religious activities....


Joel2013 said...

When is enough enough?