Friday, July 5, 2013

Op-ed: Read the Declaration of Independence

It was Joseph de Maistre who wrote in 1811 "Every nation gets the government it deserves."

I once heard a controversial statement about relationships: Women get the relationship they want. It rubbed me the wrong way when I heard it. I'm sure many abused women do not feel this way, and yet they stay. Fear is a powerful motivator. Specifically, it motivates us to accept the status quo because we fear change would only be for the worse.

Well, the people get the government they want. I read the Declaration of Independence on the Fourth of July, in its entirety, and I'm convinced it's our duty to get out from under oppressive government systems by making noise. How many letters and papers did the founding fathers write before finally drafting and signing the Declaration of Independence? If you read it, it's clear it was the LAST RESORT, after abuse upon abuse, of the people by the government, piled up into one big pile of stink


"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government."

What are we more disposed to suffer today, rather than righting ourselves by abolishing the forms to which we've become accustomed? The IRS persecutions? The failures--colossal failures--of central banking? The theft of property and denial of our right to personal use of property, provoked by the expansive rules of eminent domain or EPA regulations? The violated right to privacy of our personal letters and emails ensured by the 4th Amendment's "unreasonable search and seizure" clause? The right to teach our children the way we see fit, or to birth our children in the environment we see fit? The right to conduct our own personal health and healthcare the way we see fit?

Our government today is so big, so all-encompassing, so intrusive into our private lives, we have to fill out forms to opt OUT of government or government-sanctioned programs. 

You need a waiver if you DON'T vaccinate, an affidavit if you DON'T public school, a proof of pregnancy and approval from a "back-up doctor" if you DON'T choose the hospital or a specific type of doctor to assist with your birth. If you buy land today, you do so with the knowledge that you will pay seasonal taxes on that land for the rest of your life, and that your children will be taxed again when you pass away. If you want to build onto your home, you must have it cleared with the local government, and the federal Environmental Protection Agency may step in and declare your property a protected area, land you must continue to pay for but may not use. If you support a presidential candidate with your money, the IRS may audit you... and your business... and they may do it for multiple years, denying ordinary deductions like the mortgage deduction every homeowner takes. They won't reimburse your legal fees, of course, even if you're found innocent of any wrongdoing or tax evasion. Why would they? They think they own you. 

I haven't even mentioned the threat FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE and FREEDOM OF RELIGION are under today from our government.

So I repeat: What are we more disposed to suffer today, rather than righting ourselves by abolishing the forms to which we've become accustomed?

Read the Declaration of Independence today and think about it:

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Anonymous said...

I do NOT see how the above remark is a comment.

Anonymous said...

I agree that we are suffering tyranny. I know the federal government is rogue, acting entirely dominant of the States. Immigration hoax and health care are vehicles for depriving us of our nation. It cannot be accepted. And EPA is used as an excuse for every other governmental act of plunder and tyranny. I object. And Homeland Security is a stationed army. It is not permitted in our Constitution. The list goes on. The attack on religion is appalling. The recent DOMA Supreme Court Ruling is an example of a Court majority running wild. They have no basis for their "decision" and it NEGATES all laws if applied. NOT possible to accept a LAWLESS judiciary. They aren't doing their job, but act as though they are KINGS set over us. The hostility they expressed is directed at religious thought which created this nation. Nobody is forcing them to remain here, but they have NO right to abolish the United States of America or bully the States.

Katrina L. Lantz said...

Anon 11:01 I absolutely agree with you. Our judges are acting like kings. Our president is acting like a king. And our representatives in Congress are acting like battling schools of fish, obsessed with party lines rather than Constitutional principles. I particularly agree with your statement that, "The hostility they expressed is directed at religious thought which created this nation. Nobody is forcing them to remain here, but they have NO right to abolish the United States of America or bully the States."