Transgender students in California would be able to choose which school bathrooms and locker rooms to use and which sport teams to join based on their gender identity under a measure approved this week by the California Legislature.
The proposal now awaits the signature of Gov. Jerry Brown, whose office has declined to comment on whether he will sign it.
The proposal would be the first state law in the nation that specifically requires equal access to public school facilities and activities based on gender identity, though some states have general policies to the same effect, said Shannon Price Minter, legal director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, one of several groups backing the legislation.Read the rest of the story HERE.
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California cereal bowl. Chocked full of Fruits, Nuts And Flakes!
ummm. not in my kids school will this happen.
That's not really "equal rights", its more discusting than anything to let teenage boys and girls change together, and use the bathroom together. California is pretty much going to be encouraging teenagers to have sex and young girls to get pregnant.
ANYONE who thinks that this Dumb Ass law will not be abused IS A FOOL. I feel bad for the kids of California who will have to live with this BULL SHIT. Especially, the shy ones
Another good reason to homeschool. The dumbass BS never ends.
There is never any "compassion" for the regular, normal people. They never seem to have rights. Just think, the majority of people in California have voted twice to reserve marriage for one man one woman, and they are now told they don't have the"standing" or the brains to decide. This situation cannot possibly end well....
Not my kid, who has physical reasons not to expose certain things. I'll sue first!
I mentioned it a while ago, but it won't be long before we have four bathrooms to choose from....Men, Women, Gay Men, Gay Women. Some idiotic state or local government will pass something like this eventually.
I've got a much better idea.
Instead of requiring equal access to bathrooms and locker rooms for transgender students, how 'bout requiring equal access to the television and radio airwaves for all political parties.
Oops, sorry, I forgot - such a requirement would absolutely DESTROY the Democrat/RINO stranglehold on our country.
My bad.
Of course they do have equal access presently.
@ Anonymous 3:28 PM
No they don't. The Federal Communications Commission only grants broadcast news licenses to Democrat and RINO propagandists like CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox. The proof is in the pudding.
Political parties do not have television stations. They all have an equal opportunity to purchase commercial advertising, however.
@ Anonymous 12:19 AM
If you don't think the major news networks spew AROUND-THE-CLOCK LEFT-WING PROPAGANDA, you're just not paying attention.
The fact that the networks aren't officially owned by the Democratic Party is irrelevant.
Everyone, except you apparently, KNOWS WHICH PARTY THEY REPRESENT.
And it damn sure ain't the Republican Party, the Constitution Party or the Libertarian Party, just to name a few.
I don't suppose you're suggesting a return to the fairness clause, are you?
As a free-market capitalist, I advocate for a free market in television and radio. If only liberals avail themselves of such an opportunity, shame on us.
Fairness doctrine, sorry.
@ Anonymous 1:32 PM, 2:06 AM
We do NOT have a free market in television and radio broadcasting - it is HIGHLY REGULATED by the federal government, starting with the Radio Act of 1912, the Radio Act of 1927, and the Communications Act of 1934(which created the FCC).
The FCC(Federal Communications Commission) has command-and-control authority over the entire broadcasting industry.
The so-called "Fairness Doctrine" was actually an Unfairness Doctrine because it applied to "commentary", most of which are right-leaning, but not to "newscasts", all of which are left-leaning.
I advocate for an EQUAL TIME REQUIREMENT for all ballot-qualified political parties and candidates and 100% public financing of all political campaigns.
Both "commentary" and "newscasts" would be subject to the equal time requirement.
My proposals are entirely consistent with the letter and spirit of the First Amendment principle of free speech, the Fifth Amendment principle of public use, and the Fourteenth Amendment principle of equal protection ... none of which can be said about our current broadcasting regulations.
No govt funding for all political campaigns or to provide equal coverage for all political parties. Too expensive. They can ask have equal time, but they have to pay for it. No money? Too bad....
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