Saturday, July 13, 2013

Op-ed: Skittles, Arizona Iced Tea, Cough Syrup = ‘Drank’ Or ‘Lean’

Op-ed:                                                                           Skittles, Arizona Iced Tea, Cough Syrup = ‘Purple Drank’ Or ‘Lean’

By: Diane Sori

Trayvon Martin was NO 'sweet child'...and this is but one piece of evidence NOT allowed into evidence by the biased Judge Nelson.

Skittles and iced tea = Purple Drank. Skittles and ice tea also makes something called "LEAN" which is a street way of getting high. 

People go to the ER all the time asking for the cough syrup Promethiazine and they get it, go home, and make this stuff.  Since you can't buy Sudaphed off the shelf people (dopers) are using their Medicaid cards to obtain the ingredients to make drugs, and remember both the Skittles and the iced tea were UNOPENED when the police arrived on the scene. 

That's why 'the sweet child' (gag) didn't want Zimmerman following him to where he was supposedly staying. 

The kid was a doper plain and simple...remember the pics of the pot plants and him blowing joint smoke on his cell phone and that he was suspended from school for dope. His dope use should have been allowed into evidence, especially since TCP was found in his system at autopsy.

The fix was in against George Zimmerman from day one...major grounds for appeal if he is found guilty of anything.

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Anonymous said...

It's sudafed not "sudaphed"...and what he was going does not matter he was minding and his buisness and was approached... So trying to paint him as "bad" child does not explain why he was followed...

Anonymous said...

The person above is an idiot.

The demeanor of an individual is very relevant to any situation. If a rapist is walking down the street and he's minding his own business and is staring at your daughter, do you just let him continue on?

Trevon Martin was a thug that did drugs. His demeanor was that of a person up to no good after dark. He was also into mma and whooped zimmerman with no self restraint. His hands are considered deadly weapons. If you've ever had any formal training you would that.

Unfortunately I feel going into any further detail would be waisted because you want him to be the bad white guy that did bad things to the black kid to justify your own hatred for what ever your reason may be.

Anonymous said...

You do realize that no where in US does it state anything about registering your body parts as lethal weopons right?
I've had formal training, and I know this. Maybe you have no idea what you're talking about, yes?
So passing judgment on someone for gettin high makes them bad?
I'm sorry if you've ever touched any drug that alters your level of consciousness then you're in the same boat.
... And alcohol is a drug my friend...

Anonymous said...

Never seen anyone get violent after smoking weed...

Anonymous said...

Travon was not on trial

Anonymous said...

I dont think any of these hidden racist people get it. why? because they closet racist. half them come online saying the n word never look you in the face in say that shit.unless they had plenty of their fellow friends with them. called being a coward. as far as Trayvon being a thug. if your not committing a crime then no one should be attacking you. some of these people are full of sh... and the fumy thing is they now it.

Anonymous said...

It is insane, wrong and completely without cause to suggest Trayvon Martin did anything wrong here.

Your suggestion that Trayvon was going to use skittles and tea to make a drug is completely without any evidence. It is pure conjecture based only on the assumption that Travon Martin was "guilty" of something.
Arizona Tea and Skittles are two of the most popular items in a convenience store. This kid had an A-B (3.4) grade average. George Zimmerman was told to back off and didn't. What part of that equation makes you think this kid was a bad apple?

The cops were on the way, 911 said leave the kid alone and let the professionals handle it. Why did they say that? Because an adult in plain clothes with a gun following someone they think 'looks suspicious' could lead to bad results.

Imagine the scene from Trayvon's point of view. George Zimmerman was just some creepy guy following him/stalking him.

If George had backed off and let the Police do their job. If he had stayed away how would they have gotten in a fight? If they hadn't gotten in a fight George Zimmerman wouldn't have gotten his ass beat and felt his life was in danger.

You have no reason to believe this kid was doing anything wrong. There is ZERO evidence that he was engaged in criminal behavior at the time he encountered George Zimmerman. As for having THC in his blood stream, the last 3 Presidents of this country have admitted to smoking weed. Smoking Weed doesn't make you guilty of anything other than being a normal teenage male. If you weren't smoking weed as a teen you were a boring teen.

Anonymous said...

TM was a thug and punk....