Saturday, July 13, 2013

INNOCENT or Guilty?

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BOSMAN said...


Right Wingnut said...

Not guilty. Proving innocence is not required.

I'll predict a hung jury....

BOSMAN said...

I prefer Innocent, it has more of a gentler, kinder sound to it.

After all, "INNOCENT until proven Guilty"

Right Wingnut said...

If it ends up with a hung jury, I wonder if the prosecution would seek to try the case again? I don't think they'll ever get 6 jurors to agree on a conviction in this case, but there will likely always be at least one bleeding heart, who will let emotion stand in the way of the facts.

Right Wingnut said...

Unfortunately, the jurors do not know the sentencing guidelines...30-life for murder 2, and 10-30 for parole in Florida.

Anonymous said...

This case has been tampered with and messed up from day one, so I'm not hopeful for a good outcome.

6 women are not going to look only at the burden of proof, unfortunately.

I hope I am wrong.


Anonymous said...

GOOD GRIEF! Maybe some of these protesters out there in FL today should make as big a deal about all the black teenagers killed by black people. Then maybe we could do something to stem the crazy violence.

Their outrage is so so selective.


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to be wrong about the jurors!


Right Wingnut said...

Those six women are true patriots! A guilty verdict would have set a horrible precedent.

Anonymous said...

In spite of all the hype, there just was not enough evidence to put Zimmerman in the slammer. Unfortunately, he now has to deal with all the lies and bullying for the rest of his life..... Proud that the jury remembered that a person in the US is innocent until proven guilty. It was good enough for OJ, it is good enough for George Zimmerman. Btw, does this new term "white hispanic" mean that the press will refer to Pres. Obama with the more accurate description "white black"? Just sayin'