UPDATE: Buzzfeed also ran with the story today, adding some personal touches and very cool details about the students and the philanthropist behind the donation!
The Daily Caller has a touching story out of Africa and the Romney campaign today:
"President Obama might have ancestral roots in Kenya, but at least one school in Kenya is all about former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney."It sorta reminds me of Hurricane Sandy, actually. Mitt Romney turned a scheduled campaign rally into a food and clothing drive, then offered up the Romney bus to get the goods out to Red Cross shelters and people who needed them right then. President Obama called some people and walked around with Chris Christie while the mainstream media ignored the Katrina-like conditions of thousands of coastal dwellers.
Looks like something similar happened in Africa recently. President Obama walked around with people being "presidential" while former President Bush repaired, cleaned a re-opened a health clinic to screen for cervical cancer for Kenyan women (a growing problem), and a branch of the Romney campaign sent clothing to needy students there.
President Obama told Africans to be wary of any foreign presence, even America, a statement unhelpful to African confidence in us. President--er, sorry--Governor Romney's people sent American aid, a gesture helpful to bolster confidence in our international relationships.
Even without the trappings of the Office, Romney and the people he attracts to his movement do more to restore American ideals and her place in the world than President Obama does on his best day. It just goes to show you how the thoughtful ideas of regular American people are what make our culture good, not the convoluted ideas of government workers.
Keep being the city on the hill, America!
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