Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Is this Ground Zero photo too 'rah rah' America?

It seems that this Ground Zero photo that for me, represents America's resilience, almost didn't make the 9/11 Memorial Museum:

...Michael Shulan, the museum’s creative director, was among staffers who considered the Tom Franklin photograph too kitschy and “rah-rah America,” according to “Battle for Ground Zero” (St. Martin’s Press) by Elizabeth Greenspan, out next month. 
“I really believe that the way America will look best, the way we can really do best, is to not be Americans so vigilantly and so vehemently,” Shulan said. 
Shulan had worked on a popular post-9/11 photography exhibit called “Here is New York” in Soho when he was hired by Alice Greenwald, director of the museum, for his “unique approach.”
Read the Full story HERE.

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1 comment:


No flag-raising photos allowed at the 9-11 museum, but I'm sure if they find a photo of Muslims burning our flag, or better yet, defecating on it, they'll put it front and center in the museum. If the museum directors hate this country so much, why don't they just leave?!?!?