Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The House moves to take on Immigration, one slice at a time

As the Senate moves toward passing the broadest immigration bill in a generation, the House is about to serve up the issue in small slices. 
The man wielding the knife is House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R., Va.), whose panel meets Tuesday to take the House's first formal action on immigration legislation.
I'd like to see something like this
Mr. Goodlatte, a low-profile conservative who is new to the chairman's job this year, opposes the Senate's comprehensive bill and plans instead to advance a series of more narrowly focused immigration bills. He will begin Tuesday with votes on a get-tough enforcement measure that would turn the debate sharply to the right.   
Critics worry his piecemeal approach will bury rather than breathe life into the immigration debate. But Mr. Goodlatte argues that his approach allows more careful legislating on a complicated topic.
"For far too long, the standard operating procedure in Washington has been to rush large pieces of legislation through Congress with little opportunity for elected officials and the American people to scrutinize and understand them," Mr. Goodlatte said Friday in a statement.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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Anonymous said...

Let it slowly die in the House. GET IT OFF THE FRONT PAGE, for starters.


BOSMAN said...

This is the way to go as long as the FIRST SLICE is Border security and the other slices INCLUDE:
NO Amnesty in any shape or form
NO Access to ANY KIND of Federal benefits or help NO Free health care
NO Voting rights
Fines MUST BE PAID and not waived because of income levels.

Anonymous said...

No state or local welfare, either.