Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Chris Christie is the most-favored Republican among Democrats

According to a newly released Gallup Poll, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is the most-favored Republican recent newsmaker and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is the least-favored--among Democratic respondents. 
The poll sought to measure the favorable/unfavorable sentiments toward five Republicans Gallup believes may run for president in 2016.
Conducted June 1-4. the survey asked: [P]lease say if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of these people--or if you have never heard of them." It then listed New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul. 
Among Democrats, Christie had the most favorable responses. Fifty-four percent of Democrats said they had a favorable view of Christie, compared to 21 percent who had a favorable view of Rubio, 17 percent who had a favorable view of Ryan, 16 percent who had a favorable view of Paul, and 11 percent who had a favorable view of Cruz.
Read the rest HERE.

I really didn't need a poll to tell me this....Did you?

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BOSMAN said...

Who Knew?

RomneyMan said...

Yeah, odd as it sounds, but I think that's what the outcome is when you actually decide to try to work with people from the other party. Odd concept I know, but there we go.

Anonymous said...

Working with the other side of the aisle doesn't require hugging Obama the way Christie did.

Anonymous said...

Why REPUBLICANS do not vote for Christie

Anonymous said...

Christie seemed like a giddy child telling everyone that would listen:

“He gave me his number at the White House and told me to call him if I needed anything”

Anonymous said...

Was Christie doing the work of the people wading in beach tides with Barrack Hussein Obama?

As Romney's numbers climbed upward, Christie publicly dissed Romney.

Fox News: “Over the last couple of months, you have appeared throughout the country, Gov. Christie, on behalf of Mitt Romney. We hear that perhaps Mr. Romney may do some storm-related events. Is there any possibility that Gov. Romney may go to New Jersey to tour some of the damage with you?"

Christie replied:
“I have no idea, nor am I the least bit concerned or interested ... I couldn't care less about any of that stuff.”

Democrats regularly prefer bureaucrats of the two-faced variety.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Another pic of Christie being thrilled by Obama.

Anonymous said...

Another pic of Christie yucking it up with Obama.