Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Obama said that every member of Congress had been briefed on the phone monitoring program...WRONG!

Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) on Friday disputed a claim President Obama made at a press conference only moments earlier, when the president said that every member of Congress had been briefed on the National Security Agency’s (NSA) domestic phone surveillance program. 
Merkley said only select members of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees had been briefed on the program, and that he was only aware of it because he obtained “special permission” to review the pertinent documents after hearing about it second-hand.

“I knew about the program because I specifically sought it out,” Merkley said on MSNBC. “It’s not something that’s briefed outside the Intelligence Committee. I had to get special permission to find out about the program. It raised concerns for me. … When I saw what was being done, I felt it was so out of sync with the plain language of the law and that it merited full public examination, and that’s why I called for the declassification.” 
At a press conference on Friday, Obama said that every member of Congress had been briefed on the phone monitoring program. The president argued that the policy, which was implemented in 2007, struck the “right balance” between privacy and national security, and that it had been helpful in thwarting terrorist attacks.
Read the rest HEREand View a related video below:

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obama has shown himself time after time of being an in your face liar. A person would have to be a fool to trust anything this guy says, He does not have the good of the Country at heart now, nor did he ever have. I liked and trusted George Bush as he was a man of honor, Our enemies did not like him, but they respected and feared him, in that they knew what would happen if they stepped over the line. As we all know, Obama just backs down and moves the line. They treat him as a clown, and do what they damn well please. In my opinion Obama is an out and out fraud, inept, incompetent and the most dangerous enemy we face.