Miss World contestants will not wear bikinis when they vie for the pageant's crown in Indonesia this September to avoid causing offence in the world's most populous Muslim country.
Miss World organizers said the 137 women in the competition will instead wear one-piece swimwear, some of which will also have sarongs over the top.
"This is perfectly reasonable in a country that prefers one-piece swimwear," London-based Miss World Organization Chairwoman Julia Morley told Reuters on Thursday.
Morley denied suggestions the decision to ditch bikinis was made after local complaints about the contest.
However, reports in Indonesian newspapers said a number of conservative groups had taken issue with the staging of the contest, highlighting bikinis as a key objection.
The Jakarta Post reported on Monday that deputy tourism minister, Sapta Nirwandar, said the government had also asked Miss World to follow Indonesian tradition.Read the rest HERE.
Michigan Muslim Woman Protesting |
Why doesn't that carry over to when many Muslims come to the United States? You know...When in the United States, do what the Americans Do?
I guess those Muslims in places like Paterson, NJ and Dearborn, Michigan, didn't get that memo.
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Good point, Bosman.
But I prefer no swimsuit 'competition' at all! Now that would be progress. Ha ha.
What, you want no swimsuits at all, like a naked Miss World section?
Yes, pencil me in for two thumbs way up on that idea too.
Martha, the solution is to not watch it if you don't like it. Start banning swim suits, and women end up covered from head to toe. We all know how wonderful that his worked out in the Middle East.
Can you guys read? I said we can do without the swimsuit competition in pageants.
And, I don't watch. Gag. Just think it's really really stupid to parade women around like that. I mean seriously, what good was the women's movement for anyway. After all these years, it seems all we have are women's rights=abortion, and women=sex objects. Sigh.
BTW, I have nothing against swimsuits.
RW. It's really discouraging that in this modern world of ours, we still have places in the world where women are treated like garbage. It really makes me sick to think about it. But we don't hear much outcry about it from the left, do we?
I wish I could help those women.
I was just saying that not watching is better in the long run than suggesting that they not be allowed to conduct their pageant however they want to. For the sake of freedom. It's not as if they're up on stage fornicating.
I don't watch pageants either I find them extremely boring. I think most men do.
I agree, Martha. Women are not sex objects and abortion is not a substitution for real rights, like choosing what work you want, including being respected for raising a family.
I am also disgusted by the way women are treated in much of the world and wish I could help them. It seems their repression of women actually turns them INTO sex objects. My husband worked with a nice man from Afghanistan during the Lewinsky affair. "Luke" saw Monica's smiling picture on the front page and said, "It's all in the smile of the woman..." My husband was unhappy that "Luke" would imply that women are to blame for men's bad behavior toward them. (kind of sounds like the house dems toward the tea party applicants)....
RW, I love it when you remind us what freedom means and how we best exercise ours. It's good to hear from you.
AZ, I agree with you. Seems like most of the middle east just don't get that women are actually people. So disgusting.
Did you read about the rape joke at the Mircrosoft event. Old ways die hard, I guess.
Also, do you read mormonwomen.com? I love that blog! So many interesting stories.
RW, yeah I know what you mean. They certainly do have every right to be as stupid as they like.
Trump's own sexy pageant really gag's me. It's all about the money. He doesn't respect women, IMO.
I always chuckle at this woman's libber stuff when it comes to bikinis and the like.
a) No one's forcing them to do it.
b) It always the same types that moan about it. I mean, I wonder how many fit 21 year old blondes on civi street that get wolf whistled at all the time 'complain' about bikini comps lol.
RM, always the same 'types' that moan about it. What types are you referring to?
The people who try to teach both their daughters and sons to live a moral and respectful life?
RM, I have a relative who was in one of Trumps disgusting pageants. She was young, and didn't realize until she got there that she was going to have to pose in a disgusting photo shoot on a bed. She felt trapped, because here her state sent her, and she felt obligated to go ahead with the shoot. Needless to say, hers ended up being the least offensive photo of all.
Sure, she should have known beforehand, I guess. But she NEVER should have been placed in a position to have to compromise her morals like that.
The fact that our society doesn't really care about the way women are expected to act, and the way they are portrayed is really disheartening, and you are part of the problem. So grow up!
Trump is a gross old creeper, who will do anything for the money and attention.
The people who try to teach both their daughters and sons to live a moral and respectful life?"
Everyone can live their won life the way they choose if they are not breaking the law...freedom and all...
Just find it interesting that concerning the types that 'complain', it's never the 21 year old stunning blondes that have male attention all of the time. I wonder how many of those 'complain'? lol
For RWNut,,,we were talking about the miss world comp. They know exactly what they're letting themselves into. They don't moan either if they pick up a nice cheque too. I assert that those of the miss world stage are there by personal choice and ambition.
Says it all really, some UK parliament protest I think, about on of their tabloids (I think) famous 'page 3'.
See what I mean about the woman's libber type?
Now, where's the 21 year old fit blonde complaining? lol
IMartha, I will check out that blog. Thanks for the tip. My girls and I enjoy the saying, "There are two types of people who shouldn't wear bikinis: those who shouldn't wear bikinis and those who REALLY SHOULDN'T WEAR BIKINIS." Ditto for men in speedos.
I'm sure RM would disagree with me about that. RM, I will point out that there are many beautiful women who get very frustrated when men only care about their looks and don't appreciate their brains. I very there are more than you think in that category.
The Canadian tv show Red Green Show put it this way in his advice to middle aged men. "Do us all a favor and cover up." I agree with his advice. I live in Arizona and believe me, we see way too much of everything, especially people past their prime in too skimpy clothing.
" there are many beautiful women who get very frustrated when men only care about their looks and don't appreciate their brains. " ?? You can't be beautiful and have a brain..can you? lol
Disgusting! I hope you are joking, RM.
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