Saturday, June 22, 2013

New Senate Agreement on Immigration Bill: My question is, Border Fence or BORDER FENCE?

The prospects for Senate approval of a broad overhaul of the nation’s immigration laws improved on Thursday after two Senate Republicans worked out a deal on a plan to strengthen border security with the bipartisan group of eight senators that drafted the original bill, raising hopes that the new agreement could build Republican support for the immigration legislation. 
The deal calls for a “border surge” that nearly doubles the current border patrol force to 40,000 agents from 21,000, as well as for the completion of 700 miles of fence on the nation’s southern border. The additional border agents, the senators said, would cost roughly $25 billion. 
Senator Bob Corker, Republican of Tennessee and one of the deal’s architects, said he expected that his provision could attract the support of roughly 15 Republicans for the legislation, which includes a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million unauthorized immigrants already in the country. Those Republican votes would be a significant boon to the measure, which backers hope to push through the Senate by the end of next week.
“We must do more to secure the border in this legislation, and that’s exactly what we’re offering today,” said Senator John Hoeven, Republican of North Dakota and Mr. Corker’s partner in drafting the border provision, explaining the deal on the Senate floor. “It is a very straightforward way to secure our border and to do so before allowing a pathway to legal permanent residency for those who came here illegally.”
Read the full story HERE

If the Chinese could build the great wall back in the 14th Century that stetches over 13,000 miles, Why the hell can't we build a double fence that only measures a little under 2,000 miles?

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1 comment:

BOSMAN said...

When they say 'fence', what does that mean?

The kind you can cut with a wire cutter or a double layer one that folks won't be able to climb over or penetrate? There's a BIG FIFFERENCE