Saturday, June 22, 2013

IRS Employees ask: Sequestration...What's that?

The Associated Press reports today that the new sheriff Obama sent to the IRS, former White House budget official Danny Werfel, has just signed off on $70 million in bonuses for the woe-begotten agency. 
This is not just bad timing for an agency that is beset by a huge corruption scandal over the targeting of conservative groups during Obama’s tenure, it is horrible timing for an administration that is complaining about budget cuts. Your kids can’t tour the White House and there’s not enough money for cancer research, but the IRS workers will get their bonuses. 
Worse still is that the payouts fly in the face of an Obama order suspending government worker bonuses during the season of “sequestration.” The excuse offered for the payout is that it is part of a deal with the government worker union that represents most IRS employees.
"IRS is under a legal obligation to comply with its collective bargaining agreement, which specifies the terms by which awards are paid to bargaining-unit employees." 
-- Agency spokeswoman Michelle Eldridge in a statement to the Associated Press about $70 million in employee bonuses authorized by new director Danny Werfel.
Read the full story HERE and view related videos below:

BTW, IRS bonuses have become a regular even under the Obama Administration.

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