Some are Muslim Terrorists:
It is usually assumed that most illegals caught crossing the US/Mexican border are South Americans.
You may be surprised to learn, however, that thousands of the illegals caught crossing the borders are classified as “OTMs” (Other Than Mexicans). A substantial number of these OTMs are Muslim terrorists.
Records from a detention center near Phoenix, AZ, show illegals from Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Sudan, and Yemen in custody.
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Former Arizona Congressman JD Hayworth said in an interview, “There are definitely people out there who mean to do us harm who have crossed that border.”
An Arizona rancher, who lives right near the border, found a Muslim prayer rug on his property. He said, “This is a good indicator that there’s a whole lot of people other than just Mexicans coming into the United States.”
“The American public has been kept in the dark about this whole issue,” said Dave Stoddard, a former border patrol agent with 20 years of experience.Read the rest HERE and view this unnerving report below:
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This is scary and is a part of our border problem that gets very little attention. Make sure you view the short video that's included.
Of course, even the GOP establishment crowd doesn't want this to get out.
It's all about campaign contributions and corporate power. Illegal immigration is very good for business.
This is not a surprise to anyone with a brain. Unfortunately, far too few people in America seem to have a brain these days.
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