Monday, June 10, 2013

Holder either missed (or ignored) deadline to clear up his testimony...What's Next?

Attorney General Eric Holder has missed the deadline set by Republicans to personally explain questionable testimony he gave on reporter surveillance, as lawmakers threaten to subpoena Holder if necessary. 
The deadline set by House Judiciary Committee Republicans was close-of-business on Wednesday. An aide told they have "not received a response." 
The Justice Department earlier this week penned a response to the Republican leaders of the committee. But it was authored by a lower-level official, and committee leaders complained it did not address their concerns. 
"A letter from a subordinate that fails to answer many of our questions does not suffice," Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., and Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., wrote in a letter sent Tuesday.
Earlier in the week, Sensenbrenner said his committee is prepared to compel Holder to explain if he doesn't make the Wednesday deadline. 
"I think we ought to subpoena the attorney general to come back and answer those questions specifically," he told Fox News on Sunday, when asked what happens if Holder misses the deadline.
Read the full story HERE and a view related video below:

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1 comment:

BOSMAN said...

If Holder is not FORCED to comeback and testify, The House Judiciary Committee will lose all credibility