Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Current Proposed Immigration Bill will Decrease Wages

The immigration reform bill currently under consideration in the Senate would increase the number of temporary workers in the United States by 1.6 million the year immediately after it passes, according to a report by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS). 
The report, authored by CIS director of policy studies Jessica Vaughan, predicts the number of temporary worker visas the U.S. government issues would more than triple the year after the bill passes. That total would subside slightly the following years, with the number of visas nearly doubling the current number.
Nearly 700,000 temporary work visas were issued in 2012, according to the report. 
Vaughan contended that the immigrants entering the country through the guest worker program are “low wage” even though they are largely entering the technology sector, which generally requires education beyond high school. 
Most workers are coming in at an entry-level salary and tend to earn lower wages than their native counterparts, she said. 
These immigrants depress the wages of American workers, Vaughan and the congressmen said.
Read the full story HERE.

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