Wednesday, June 12, 2013

An Obamacare 'Glitch' in Federal Subsidies

A congressional mistake that could cause nearly 4 million people to be ineligible for federal subsidies in President Obama’s health care law has prompted Massachusetts officials to launch a new effort to try to close the gap. 
Under what has become known as a “glitch” in Obama’s health plan, eligibility for insurance subsidies will be based on how much it costs workers who buy an individual plan, not the far more expensive family plan. The glitch would affect uninsured spouses and an estimated 460,000 children of workers who cannot afford the family coverage offered through employers. 
On average, the families affected would have to pay 14 percent of their income toward employer-sponsored coverage. Many of those affected fall into the working class, making three times the federal poverty level, or about $70,000 for a family of four. 
Federal officials have estimated that the glitch will result in 460,000 children being left uninsured. 
For Colleen and Phillip MacRamos, of New Bedford, buying family coverage would cost the couple 24 percent of their yearly household income of $49,000 — a luxury they cannot afford. 
Colleen, a photographer, has been uninsured since turning 26 in September and no longer could be covered through her mother’s plan. Her husband is a supervisor at a picture frame factory, where he is able to purchase health coverage only for himself. 
“It’s just unfortunate that we’re in that income bracket where we aren’t poor enough to qualify for subsidies but aren’t rich enough to be able to afford private health insurance,” said Colleen MacRamos.
Read the whole story HERE.

Chock this one up as another broken promise from the Obamacare Nightmare. And as Nancy Pelosi once said:

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1 comment:

RomneyMan said...

Indeed, I wonder how the people who were previously completely denied access to healthcare are enjoying their 'rations'.