Thursday, February 28, 2013

Op-ed: America's very own 'Axis of Evil'

Op-ed:                                                                                                                                                                  America's very own 'Axis of Evil'
By: Diane Sori                                                                            
America's very own 'Axis of Evil' is taking shape very nicely thanks to the traitor in the White House. 

An 'Axis of Evil' with its titular head being Barack HUSSEIN Obama whose misguided if NOT outright traitorous vision for American foreign policy has gained traction with the recent confirmation of John Kerry as Secretary of State, Tuesday's confirmation of Chuck Hagel as Defense Secretary, and today the Senate is scheduled to vote on John Brennan’s confirmation as CIA Director. 
Scheduled to vote...why bother even going through the motions, because with a Democratic controlled Senate the outcome is pretty obvious even before a vote is taken.

The confirmation of John Kerry as Secretary of State, the man fourth in line for the presidency, was bad, very bad indeed.

Mr. Swiftboat himself...a traitor who stood before Congress telling tales of 'war crimes' committed by American forces in Viet Nam that turned out to be complete and total lies...a man who considers 'Hanoi Jane' Fonda as one of his close friends.  John Kerry...a man who is a welfare state liberal who voted for the stimulus and ObamaCare...a man who blamed Republicans for failing to reach a deal during 2011's debt ceiling negotiations...a man who believes climate change is the 'biggest long term threat' to security (totally clueless as to what constitutes security it seems)...a man who is a vehement supporter of abortion rights.  John Kerry...a man who in 2009 urged Israel to do more to support a Palestinian state and has NOT changed his mind since...a man who voted AGAINST designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guards a terrorist organization...a man who last April said that he believes Iranian leaders will act 'rationally' on the discussion of nuclear issues (gagging).  John Kerry...a man who just the other day during a speech in Germany said Americans 'have a right to be stupid'.  John Kerry...a man with a failed presidential run on his resume who holds a grudge AGAINST America for his loss to George W. (Miss Me Yet) Bush...and by the way I sure do.
And this is just a small litany of the man who is now Secretary of State...NOT good...NOT good at all.

And now we have Chuck Hagel as the new Secretary of Defense...once again very bad indeed for this confirmation showed the triumph of partisanship and ideology over national interest. 
Chuck Hagel......a man who never managed a workforce or budget even remotely comparable in scope to those of the Pentagon...a man who in his tenure as a Republican Senator NEVER authored significant legislation, chaired no committees, held no leadership posts.  Chuck Hagel...a man who voted AGAINST the Iraq War and NOT only spoke AGAINST the surge but also criticized the very need for it...a man who supports radical islamists in Syria and Egypt calling them 'freedom fighters'.  Chuck Hagel...a man who when testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee, screws up the Obama administration’s policy on a nuclear armed Iran...a man who repeatedly voted AGAINST sanctions being placed on Iran...a man who also voted AGAINST designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization.  Chuck Hagel...a man who said that Israel “keep[s] Palestinians caged up like animals”...a man who said that “the political reality is that the Jewish lobby intimidates a lot of people up here”...a man who has suggested that Israel's interests don't 100% align with America's (NOT true)... a man who said in a speech at Rueters University that the US State Department was being run by the Israeli Foreign Ministry.  Chuck Hagel...a man whose very words and actions are anti-Israel and most probably anti-Semitic too.

Chuck Hagel is now the new Secretary of Defense, just another 'yes-man' for Obama...a man who will also turn his back on Israel and the dangers she faces from those out to wipe her off the face of the Earth and if Israel goes 'they' will come for us next...NOT good... NOT good at all.

America's 'Axis of Evil' is now almost complete.

And today up comes John Brennan for yet another dog and pony show confirmation...a man who may very well be the worst of the three.

John Brennan...a man whose involvement in the run-up to the murderous attack at Benghazi and whose conduct during that seven-hour engagement, along with his role in the subsequent cover-up have NOT been satisfactorily addressed.  John Brennan...a man who still has NOT openly responded to questions about Obama's policy on the use of armed drones to attack U.S. citizens......a man who opposes 'enhanced interrogation techniques' like waterboarding, and says that it "never will be used" under his direction (oh great...they can kill us but a little waterboarding is a no-no).  John Brennan...a man who is believed to have revealing classified information from covert operations for his and Obama's political gain...a man who says that Obama needs to have a paramilitary force at his disposal to carry out operations the military is prohibited from conducting by the law of war (NO I don't thinks so for that's too much power in the hands of one man).  John Brennan...a man who refers to Israel’s capital city of Jerusalem as 'al Quds' the name used by Hezbollah militants...a man who said Hezbollah is “a very interesting organization”...a man who has stated that the Muslim Brotherhood is 'largely secular', jihad is a “legitimate tenet of islam” and jihadists are victims of 'political, economic and social forces'.  John Brennan...a man who is believed to have converted to islam when he served in an official capacity on behalf of the United States in Saudi Arabia, thus calling into play where his true allegiances lie, especially in light of statements like those above.

If this man, John Brennan, is confirmed as CIA Director America is in BIG trouble for whose side is he really on...whose side indeed for do you think intelligence information reported on the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, and Hamas will be truthful and honest...will 'We the People' be told the truth about the treatment of women and  Christians who live in islamic countries or will he cover this up...and will Americans have confidence in US foreign and military policy towards Iran, China, or North Korea...

...NOT with this man we won't be for if John Brennan is confirmed
America's 'Axis of Evil' will be complete for all three men will bow down and grovel to our enemies just like Barack HUSSEIN Obama already does...all will sell us out to the highest bidder...all will aid in stabbing Israel in the back...all will allow Iran to secure nuclear weapons...and all will aid in America losing its place as the only remaining superpower in the world.

Socialists, communists, muslim sympathizers all...I wonder what our
Founders would say if they saw what has become of those chosen to be the stewards of the greatest nation the world has ever known... something tells me they would NOT be happy at all. 

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Anonymous said...

Thank you for the article. Great information. A very dark hour.

Diane Sori said...

You're very welcome and YES, it is a dark hour indeed.