Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The LIARS CLUB: Candy Crowley and the President share the same values

Last night at the Presidential Debate, Candy Crowley reaffirmed an out right lie by the President that on the day after the Benghazi killings, he called it a terrorist act...HE DID NOT.

Now Crowley can spin this in her head any way she wants as to what she thought the President said in his statement. That doesn't make it the truth.

I'm kind of a simple person. I don't like making simple...cut-n-dry issues anymore complicated than they have to be. So, I WON’T SPIN IT. I WON’T TELL YOU WHAT I THINK THE PRESIDENT SAID. Crowley shouldn’t have either

What I have below, are video segments of the President’s September 12 Rose Garden statements and the entire statement.

Up to the point in his statement represented in this first video segment below, the President uses the following terms to refer to the Benghazi killings (number of times):

Killers (1)
attackers (5)
Senseless violence (1)
Brutal acts (1)

First segment:

Right after his reference to terrorism above as it related to 9/11, the President refers to the Benghazi killings as "Terrible Act" NOT TERRORIST ACTS in the second segment below:

Second segment:

Below he continues to the end of his statement to refer to the killers as "attackers" not terrorists:

Third segment:

Now I wouldn't want to be accused of taking things out of context, so the following is the ENTIRE STATEMENT:

Cathy Crowley and CNN need to set the record straight. That is, that Romney was correct and that The President and Crowley WERE NOT. And they need to correct this several times to make up for the 10's of millions that saw this debate last night.

In closing, I want you and the media to ask yourself this:

Should Americans have to interpret what an American President says in a statement? Should we need to call in code breakers every time this President opens his Mouth?

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1 comment:

Bob said...


Everyone needs to see this.