Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Palin: Blame Rush? No, It's the Media's Fault

Surprise, the one trick-pony sticks with the old-faithful.
“I think the definition of hypocrisy is for Rush Limbaugh to have been called out, forced to apologize and retract what it is that he said in exercising his First Amendment rights and never is that the same applied to the leftist radicals who say such horrible things about the handicapped, about women, about the defenseless,” Palin told CNN in an interview from Wasilla, Alaska.
Exercising his First Amendment rights? Yes, she is technically right. But you will never, and I mean never hear Palin criticize gratuitous rhetoric from her own side. When Rush Limbaugh does it, he is exercising his First Amendment rights and, besides, it's the media's fault anyway. When a "leftist racial" does it, then it is "horrible." 

Speaking of hypocrisy - Palin is the mother of a daughter who infamously had a child out-of-wedlock. She is currently defending a man who is on his fourth trophy wife and who, not long ago, returned from the Dominican Republic with a bag full of condoms and Viagra. And yet, Palin will not utter anything significantly negative about Rush Limbaugh. Yet, Miss Fluke is the slut. That, Sarah, is the definition of hypocrisy.


Anonymous said...

No surprise. Palin is tied at the hip to Rush. Without him, she's nothing. She can't afford to criticize.

Romney needs to be asked directly about Rush's comment. If he has been, I didn't see it. Anyway, he needs to politely say that's not what our party is supposed to be about. And his surrogates need to say it like it is, as well. Christie-like. Time to start marginalizing the clowns.


Anonymous said...

After all that Palin has been through and the absolutely horrible things that have been said about her, it's easy to understand why she would defend Rush. Being called a sl** is very mild compared to what she was called. I am no Palin fan, but her attack on the media is just fine by me.

Terrye said...

Needless to say there are a lot of lefty hypocrites who say stuff like this all the time and get away with it..but as a general rule conservatives do call them out even if the media does not...therefor they have an obligation to condemn Rush as well. I know he apologized, but that apology only came after he started losing money. Sorry, but I just don't buy it.

He should have known better.

Anonymous said...

Rush should be condemned for his comments just like all lefties should be held accountable for their disgusting rhetoric towards conservative women. Two wrongs do not make a right.

I am not into boycotting or firing people even if they are on the left.

Anonymous said...

If Bristol and Willow were called "sluts" and "prostitutes" by a left-wing media host, or if that same host proposed that Palin's two daughters videotape their sexual encounters and make the tapes available for taxpayers' viewing, what do you think their mother, Sarah Palin, would say to that host and about him?

Anonymous said...

I’m a bit awed by how many advertisers Rush Limbaugh has lost, 46 have departed so far.
Netflix is gone. Bethesda Sedation Dentistry is gone. Even AOL is gone. (This may be the surest sign that things are in bad shape.) Allstate Insurance, Bonobos, Capital One, Carbonite, Citrix, Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington, Norway Savings Bank, Philadelphia Orchestra, ProFlowers, Sleep Train, Sleep Number — all out the window.
But AshleyMadison, the Web site for people seeking extramarital affairs, and, the self proclaimed “world’s largest sugar daddy and sugar baby dating website” — they’re now both firmly on board. Some rats run onto sinking ships.
Who listens to Rush? we ask. People who would like extramarital sex right now, please, or are eager to exchange money for sex..

I'm not a bit surprised Sarah is siding with Rush, she's a hate monger, just like Rush.

Anonymous said...

Schmidt acknowledged that Palin has had a "destructive impact" on the both the tenor and substance of the American political process:

"I think that she helped usher in an hour of know-nothingness, and mainstreamed it in the Republican Party to the detriment of the conservative movement... And I think her nomination trivialized American politics, and had a lot of results that I'm not particularly comfortable with. And, of course, you know, I had a very personally difficult relationship with her during the campaign. But it was a mistake. There's just no two ways about it."

Game Change serves as Steve Schmidt's confession. The film reveals Palin for what she is: intellectually dysfunctional, psychologically imbalanced, and most importantly, politically polarizing. Near the end of the film, Schmidt emotiona