Sunday, March 25, 2012


The Louisiana Primary proves that God wills Santorum... Just like Karen Santorum said. 
Americans like to be told by the candidates themselves that they enjoy the support of God and Heaven. Contrary to historical precedence, the one thing we don't like is thinking for ourselves and then seeking God's will through personal prayer. We are not an individualistic rugged people. We like consensus and authority and if a candidate claims patronage of the Almighty and the King of Kings we like them all the more. That's why Michelle Bachman, Herman Cain, Rick Perry, and Rick Santorum have all testified like prophets that their candidacy and ultimate presidency is indeed the will of God. While the others were apparently mistaken in their callings and spiritual manifestations, Rick Santorum's win in Louisiana is an obvious sign that he is the real Chosen One. The fact that Mitt Romney has more than a million more votes, more delegates than all the other candidates combined, and double Rick Santorum's delegates, should not confuse the faithful that God is still willing for Santorum regardless of the pesky electoral college and popular vote. The most telling sign that Mitt Romney is not the Chosen One is the fact that he has not claimed the benefaction of God or any other holly personage with electorate clout. What more evidence do we need than that! Like Santorum and the misunderstood crusaders of the past said... God wills it! And there is nothing the voters can do about that.


Anonymous said...

That's classic. Why do some of these candidates claim God's support? It's like people saying God wanted a certain team to win a football or basketball game. It's very presumptive and arrogant when you think about it and what is the competition suppose to say in response? That God is wrong or that they are the true favorite of God? It makes disagreement tricky. I think Omaba says he does what he does because of God. It's inappropriate to say in the political sphere.

Anonymous said...

That's classic. Why do some of these candidates claim God's support? It's like people saying God wanted a certain team to win a football or basketball game. It's very presumptive and arrogant when you think about it and what is the competition suppose to say in response? That God is wrong or that they are the true favorite of God? It makes disagreement tricky. I think Omaba says he does what he does because of God. It's inappropriate to say in the political sphere.

Terrye said...

I think a lot of candidates do this..keep in mind however, these southern voters will come through for Romney in the end. I have not seen one poll that indicates that they will set this election out if Romney is the nominee.

This election tonight does not change the overall momentum of the race. There is no path for Santorum forward..all he has left is Penn and it is not a sure thing that he will win there.

Anonymous said...

I think ricky forgets two things. one that Romney prays to god too and secondly, sometimes God says no.

Anonymous said...

Two words to describe these ABRs...false prophets. Each and everyone of those you mentioned who claimed that God wanted them to be president are false prophets.

Anonymous said...

Everyone in the GOP that votes against Romney will vote for him against President Obama without a doubt. While they don't prefer Romney over a "true" christian they will over Obama. The South will be strong for Romney in the fall. Luckily Romney takes no offense from the blowouts.

Anonymous said...

Would somebody on God's side try to steal delegates?

Santorum's people tried to do
just that in Missouri.

Anonymous said...

After considering Jesus sharing the story about the Good Samaritan, I think the religious right could use a history lesson where Samaria is located and recognition that God also is also the creator of Mitt Romney and has placed him here at this place and time! Maybe this is a test of faith for them to actually get over their hate, prejudice and stereotyping of someone how clearly Loves God!

Anonymous said...

We will see who the nominee will be, then we will know what God's will was.

Anonymous said...

We live on a little spec of land on a tiny blue dot in an average solar system. This solar system is lies in the back waters of a minor galaxy among billions of galaxies, all of which are ruled by God. We cannot comprehend God's mind nor his ways. If God is choosing our leaders, how did we end up with Obama? God may or may not have preferences, but He allows us to choose and live with those consequences. That much is obvious.

Anonymous said...

According to a 2009 study by Benjamin G. Edelman eight of the top ten pornography consuming states are Red States. Of these top eight six have now voted in the Republican 2012 primary, and Rick Santorum has won five of them.

Lionhead said...

Publius Nemo, I think you're following the candidates into the land of 'Gaffe.' I hope the brain farts don't continue into next week as the methane gas is becoming rather putrid now. I already have my air raid shelter garb, do I need a Gas Mask to add to my kit?

You said: "Rick Santorum's win in Louisiana is an obvious sign that he is the real Chosen One. The fact that Mitt Romney has more than a million more votes, more delegates than all the other candidates combined, and double Rick Santorum's delegates, should not confuse the faithful that God is still willing for Santorum regardless of the pesky electoral college and popular vote."

No, Rick Santorum's win in Louisiana is because the voters there choose him. God was not in the ballot booth guiding their actions. Could it be that Santorum's view more closely matches theirs?

Let's look at that popular vote count for all candidates & compare to Romney's total. The results can be found here:

Let's do the math: Santorum + Gingrich + Paul = 6,142,293. Romney has 4,127,915 total. Thus, 6,142,293 / 4,127,915 = 1.488 ratio of total votes for all candidates vs. Romney vote. Now, for the totals; 10,270,208 (all votes) / 4,127,915 (MR votes)= 40.2%

So then, of the voters, only 40.2% agreed with Romney, while the rest favored the other candidates. Again, this has noting to do with God, it has all to do with human free will. Let's further that point of view.

"Our politics isn’t entirely healthy. Our political class in particular is more sophistic than ever—believing in the predominance of talk, the centrality of “messaging,” the power of spin, the possibility of a tricky game change. But politics isn’t simply a game. And even to the degree that it is, the political class overestimates its ability to affect the outcome by clever words and tactical maneuvers.

The American public, like most publics, is both susceptible and resistant to sophistry. But in general the public has a sounder view of politics than the political class, if only because, living in a world of real consequences, the public tends to know that reality can’t be willfully reset and easily restarted. The real world can’t be Etch A Sketched. It requires and responds to facts and deeds, not mere talk."


"The American public tends to appreciate these realities. Many in the political class—indeed many of our elites, especially those of us who etch and sketch for a living—tend to want to show our cleverness by arguing realities away. Sophistry is the fatal conceit of the political class in our time. For reasons having to do with the very nature of modern liberalism, the left is more expert at sophistry than the right. That’s why Republicans will have difficulty winning an Etch A Sketch election. Obama is the master of transient talk and vanishing promises. The Republican nominee won’t beat him at his own game. But the Republican nominee can elevate our politics and prevail by putting before the public a reality-based choice."

Publius, everyone has had their fill of sophistry, what we need now is a good dose of reality, solutions & political courage. I hope you agree.

Anonymous said...

I like you’re math analysis Lionhead, so taking it one step further we have Santorum vote. totals; 10,270,208 (all votes) / 2,850,541 (RS votes)= 27.75%, Gingrich vote. totals; 10,270,208 (all votes) / 2,212,001 (RS votes)= 21.54%, and Paul vote. totals; 10,270,208 (all votes) / 1,079,751 (RS votes)= 10.51%
So then again, 40.2% agreed with Romney, while only 27.75% agreed with Santorum, 21.54% agreed with Gingrich, and 10.51% agreed with Paul.

I really think the people are getting this right in spite of the media, the democrats, the unions and the Obama machines trying to steer us away from the candidate that is best equipped to restore Americas Promise. I think it’s as simple as stepping back from all the spin and gimmicks and thoughtfully asking yourself who do I REALLY believe that I can see running this greatest nation in the history of the world.

Christian said...

I do not question God's influence on candidates Bachmann, Perry, Cain and Santorum. They all prayerfully considered and felt impressed to pursue the GOP candidacy. God may have had a role for each of them to play in the nomination process. And they all demonstrate that Christian believers do not have another leader better than Mitt Romney.

Anonymous said...

All candidates are entitled to their convictions. When they come out and say it is "God's Will" that they become president they are trying to hijack the endorsement from the Almighty and our choice. Publicly saying that God wants you to do something is kind of like the Iranian's and the Muslim extremist. The video of the crusaders is a perfect example. I do x because God wills it and to go against x is going against God. They should keep their feelings to themselves like Romney does.

Anonymous said...

Lionhead - If anybody needs a gas mask it's we the people as Rick Santorum goes about stinking up the place and the election with endorsements for Obama. Santorum is so terrible that the party will need at least a two month detox to get the bad taste he has left in the countries mouth. From women's rights to JFK vomit this guy has hurt the Republican cause and continues to do so. Why does he have to do it in God's name on top of it. We're sick of him and his false piety. Blah!

Anonymous said...

One time...Mitt Romney mentioned he had a dream, where I don't remember wheather it was to run for President or that he would be President, but I haven't heard it mentioned again.

He doesn't feel the need to blurt this out, because it is between him and God. God it not some tool he uses for political gain. ( you know, like Romney's relationship with God where he promised to give his full tithe and didn't break that promise, unlike Santorum who tithes 2% and whines and complains he doesn't have enough money from his million dollar government lobbying salary )

Santorum's relationsip with God is to use his name to his personal advantage. Romney's relationship with God is personal and sacred.

Anonymous said...

I think it was God's will that Romney ended up with virtually no competition other than clowns.

Think about it.


Anonymous said...

Speaking only for myself, I find the ministerial “laying on of hands” photo that accompanies this post to be somewhat disturbing. If we had a photo of two Islamic mullahs doing something comparable for their own chosen national leader, what would our reaction be? Or if we saw a picture two Roman Catholic bishops, standing in the sanctuary of a cathedral, doing something similar for their anointed presidential candidate, what would we think? I’m not saying that the ministers and Santorum have no right to engage in this sort of religio-political activity. I am only reminding myself and others that, in the long history of the world, across many different cultures and religious systems, the marriage of religious power and political power has caused far more harm than good.

Anonymous said...

Speaking for myself and God like Santorum would do, I say that we are darn lucky that Santorum's true self came out in the race. He is petty, whinny, petulant, and out of control. He's cussing at reporters today. Good Bye!