Thursday, August 4, 2011

Romney joins Bachmann and Santorum in signing a Marriage Pledge.

Mitt Romney has joined Michelle Bachmann and Rick Santorum in signing the National Organization for Marriage pledge:
The three have now promised to not only support amending the U.S. Constitution to ban gay marriage but also to nominate judges who say the Constitution doesn't guarantee marriage equality.

The to-do list doesn't stop there. As part of the pledge, they swear to put gay marriage up to a vote in the District of Columbia, where local lawmakers made it legal. They promise to fight for the Defense of Marriage Act in court — something President Barack Obama isn't doing.
Romney refused to sign the earlier Iowa Family Leader pledge because it was, "undignified and inappropriate". Bachmann and Santorum had signed that pledge as well.

The Full story is here.

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Anonymous said...

Let the spin begin.

He signed: He's pandering,

He makes no comment: His finger is in the wind,

He doesn't sign: He never was a real conservative.

Ha ha. Romney can't win with some people.


hamaca said...

Oh, I'm sure we'll even see some flip-flopping allegations. "First he's against signing a marriage pledge and now he's for it." Yawn.

Ohio JOE said...

Once again, he throws the Martha-Doug wing of his camp under the bus. Oh what fun.

Doug NYC GOP said...

What wing would that be, OJ?

Doug NYC GOP said...

Unlike Palin-drones, who can't think for themselves or dirgress from her sacred scroll dictate,I don't need to agree with Romney on each and every issue.

I respect his support for marriage, but I don't share the idea of banning gay marriage or a Constitutional Admendment doing such a thing.

But if it tickles you to see folks who support a candidate have differing views, have at it.

Actually OJ, you youself may want to try it sometime. I'd be interested in knowing on what issues you disagree with the Artic Palin (I've been reading too much Tex lately, apologies).

BOSMAN said...

I have a different view on this.

If gays want to wed in civil unions, I have no problem. Even give them the same legal rights of a standard marriage. JUST DON'T CALL IT, "MARRIAGE". Call it something else.

By definition, "Marriage" is the civil union between a male and female. I would be for a federal law/act protecting that definition.

Anonymous said...

Government only gets in the marriage business because it has a vested interest in reinforcing institutions that propagate the next generation. It has no business getting involved in whatever other romantic situation anybody else wants.

Anonymous said...

And Martha, great comment!

Anonymous said...

arctic fox? Doug how dare you talk down to the queen! Off with his head!

Ohio JOE said...

Little testy again, Doug?

Doug NYC GOP said...


I was not being testy. :)

I was just get amused at some of your claims. The "Martha-Doug" wing? LOL

I'm not important or influencial enough to warrant a wing named after me.

Anonymous said...

I'm one who thinks 'marriage' should be between one man and one woman. HOWEVER, I also side with Bosman, that there needs to be something else in place (not called 'marriage') that gives the same rights and protections to those who choose a different lifestyle.

Anonymous said...

Ah heck. forget to sign in. 12:59 was me. Ellie.

Anonymous said...

Changing the definition of "marriage" to include gays is just the next step to allowing polygamous unions and all other types of redefinitions. Pretty soon, the term "married" will have no definition at all. I am like many of you, I believe we need to protect traditional "marriage," but I am not opposed to trying to make sure that people who live other lifestyles have legal remedies for their situations.

When we allow the definition of marriage to be changed, we will also be forced to change all teachings in textbooks, and public places, and schools. It will become more important to teach children about gender and gender deviations than it will be teach them math, reading and writing. We cannot afford to be distracted by social issues in the schools. We need to stay focused on preparing our children to compete in a world economy. "Gender education" will not help them do that.


Anonymous said...

You are so right! We can be sensitive to other choices while
not fundamentally changing a tradition that has been recognized
for 1,000's of years. Marriage between a Man and a Woman
is the foundation for any culture, and one in which Children
are born. So many words today have become meaningless, that
we are finding harder and harder to communicate with each
other, because we aren't quite sure what someone else means,
so let's not let Marriage as has been traditionally understood
be one of them.

Anonymous said...

Changing the definition of "marriage" to include gays
is just the next step to allowing polygamous unions and
all other types of redefinitions. Pretty soon, the term
"married" will have no definition at all. I am like many
of you, I believe we need to protect traditional "marriage,"
but I am not opposed to trying to make sure that people who
live other lifestyles have legal remedies for their situations.

When we allow the definition of marriage to be changed,
we will also be forced to change all teachings in textbooks,
and public places, and schools. It will become more important
to teach children about gender and gender deviations than it
will be teach them math, reading and writing. We cannot afford
to be distracted by social issues in the schools. We need to
stay focused on preparing our children to compete in a world
economy. "Gender education" will not help them do that.