Monday, August 15, 2011

Bachmann Lies About Attending Family Reunion

She's getting flakier by the day.

From Politico:
On her victory lap of Iowa yesterday, Straw Poll winner Rep. Michele Bachmann paid repeated tribute to her local roots, and repeatedly mentioned her family reunion that day, citing it as an excuse for her late arrival at a local party event in Waterloo.

But Bachmann's mother and two cousins told POLITICO's Emily Schultheis that Bachmann didn't attend the reunion, though her husband and children did. Her spokeswoman, Alice Stewart, didn't respond to two emails asking for an explanation of the disparity.

Bachmann told Chris Wallace on “Fox News Sunday” that same morning that she was looking forward to the reunion.

“We’re having a big family reunion today in northeastern Iowa so I’ll get to go and see all my relatives,” she said.

That evening, she answered a reporter's question about why she'd turned up late to the Black Hawk County Republican Party dinner in Waterloo.

It was, she said, "a busy day.

“We had a big family reunion just north of Waterloo," she said. She also said she'd visited a local "shut-in."


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Anonymous said...

Wow, why the heck would any sane person lie about something like that? It is so easy to check, and such a small, stupid thing to lie about.

BOSMAN said...

She really is a flake.

CNN today ran a collage of how many times she repeats the phrase "my record" and "my leadership" in the course of a speech.

Here I was thinking I was the only one ready to barf during her continuous use of certain phrases.

Anonymous said...

i agree about how in the heck can someone lie about this1 even though it is such a small makes her look really untrust worthy....geeezzzz just tell the truth biggy! flake....

Anonymous said...

If anyone watched bill o reilly today (laura ingram substituted), she had bernie goldberg on and he really criticized michelle bachmann. He criticized her for making up her "respect for submission" answer during the debate. He also criticized her for strongly ridiculing gays and gay marriage but then when asked about it she says that she doesnt judge people.

Good job by bernie, bachmann made these comments based on her religious views in a peaceful setting at a church, but when questioned by the national media, she ducks on her comments and makes up an answer.

Anonymous said...

Lest anyone forget the quote about submission to her husband:

"My husband said, 'Now you need to go and get a postdoctorate degree in tax law,'" Bachmann told the audience. "Tax law? I hate taxes. Why should I go and do something like that? But the Lord said, 'Be submissive. Wives, you are to be submissive to your husband.' And so we moved to Virginia Beach, Virginia, and I went to William and Mary Law School there. ... Never had a tax course in my background, never had a desire for it, but by faith, I was going to be faithful to what I felt God was calling me to do through my husband."

Bachmann went on to say that God later called her to run for the state Senate in Minnesota and, still later, for the U.S. Congress.


Anonymous said...

I like this common enemy thing going on here at RS. Bachmann and Perry gotta go DOWN.


Anonymous said...

Ha. Another 'Christian Conservative' who goes around campaigning in congregations caught lying???

Whoo hoo. No one cares. She's got God on her side.


Ohio JOE said...

Oh, please Martha, you lose credibility when you play the religious card. Ironically, you have become a religious bigot yourself. Shame on you.

marK said...

No one can accuse me of being a Bachmann supporter -- at least not with a straight face, but I have to point out that Michele did not state that she had actually attended the family reunion, only that there was one that day. And helping her husband and kids to get off to a big family event can represent a hefty investment of time for a wife and mother.

So it is entirely possible to be late for a dinner because of a family reunion that she, herself, did not attend.

Anonymous said...

OJ, no I am not. There is no reason for you to call me that.

You still have not explained why you refuse to believe there is anti-Mormon bigotry.


Anonymous said...

Perry threatens Bernake:

This guy is nuts!

Anonymous said...

Mark, I was taught that the intent to deceive is still a lie.

In my book it was an unforced error.


Right Wingnut said...


From the article...

Bachmann told Chris Wallace on “Fox News Sunday” that same morning that she was looking forward to the reunion.

“We’re having a big family reunion today in northeastern Iowa so I’ll get to go and see all my relatives,” she said.

The real reason she was late, is because she was waiting in the bus while they changes the light bulbs.

I'm sure they have the resources to get Marcus and the kids to the reunion without making Michele late for an important campaign event.

Being late is becoming a habit for her.

A few days ago, she told a crowd that she had to leave because she had 10,000 people waiting for her at a rally. There were reportedly about 200.

marK said...

All the same, I'm not into "gotcha" politics where everything you say or do is carefully examined to see if it can be used against you.

When there is a perfectly valid explanation available that doesn't require the target to be put in a bad light, I am inclined to give the benefit of the doubt.

...And it was a bookshelf, not a floating cross.


Right Wingnut said...


If there's a perfectly valid explanation, her spokesperson should have responded to Politico's emails.

Anonymous said...

she was changing her eye contacts to match the room setting.

Ohio JOE said...

"You still have not explained why you refuse to believe there is anti-Mormon bigotry." You are the person who refuses to see anti-Mormonism from the Left. You are really good at making fun of Mrs. Bachmann's, Mrs. Palin's and Mr. Perry's religion. I do not ever ever ever want to hear you whine about Right Wing bigotry after the vile that comes from you.

Frankly, you are becoming a bad example of a Mormon. I might be naive, but I doubt the average Mormon is as intolerant of others as you. Kristofer may have been right about you.