Friday, May 20, 2011

Photos of Obama and Netanyahu in their early 20's

Could the contrast be more stark? More photos of Netanyahu from his days with the elite Sayeret Matkal commando unit can be found here. Additional photos of Obama from his dope smoking days are here. It pains me to have to point out the inferiority our president possesses on the world stage, but it is what it is.

H/T Jews For Sarah


Anonymous said...

MAN vs punk

Bill589 said...

A man’s man vs. a punk’s punk.

Anonymous said...

I agree, the world needs more real men--and real women, too, who understand what needs to be done, and who are capable of doing it.


Anonymous said...

Netanyahu said that "while Israel is prepared to make generous compromises for peace, it cannot go back to the 1967 lines, because these lines are indefensible, because they don't take into account certain changes that have taken place on the ground, demographic changes that have taken place over the last 44 years."

In 1967, Netanyahu said, "Israel was all of 9 miles wide -- half the width of the Washington Beltway... So we can't go back to those indefensible lines, and we're going to have to have a long-term military presence along the Jordan."

The topper came when Bibi told the president, "Hamas has just attacked you, Mr. President, and the United States for ridding the world of bin Laden. So Israel obviously cannot be asked to negotiate with a government that is backed by the Palestinian version of al-Qaida."


Anonymous said...

The interchange between Netanyahu and Obama this past week has been amazing. I feel like it has been Neville Chamberlain's, "Peace in our Time" meme. As all of you probably remember, this was where Chamberlain allowed Hitler control over the Sudetenland portion of Czechoslavakia. Unfortunately, the Sudentenland was also where the Czech's primary defenses were.

The suggestion of 1967 borders is like stripping the Israeli's of all their defenses BEFORE heading to the negotiation table. It begins to seem the Obama is either completely stupid or anti-semitic. I am severely saddened at this turn of events.


Revolution 2012 said...
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Revolution 2012 said...

If you can be proud of America and ASHAMED of it's leader at the same time, then I'm there!

Judith said...


Absolutely right. Until a couple of hunbdred years ago, the borders in Europe were military frontiers. That is the nature of the present division between Isarel and the Arab territories around it. Obama has no concept of such things. History for the likes of him is only what happened since he reached the age of awareness.

Anonymous said...

Obama hardly does anything without a political motive. Israel was thrown under the bus, because Obama figures that he can attract lots of Arab oil money and the Muslim vote in the United States while not losing many Jewish voters who vote overwhelmingly for democrats.

Anonymous said...

A least obama was chilling enjoying his youth and getting a proper education and not off committing genocide and stealing land.

Anonymous said...

Still dont see how u can stand behind a foreign leader that doesnt give two fucks about us and pretty much spit in our face when ever we dont bow down to them. Yep typical right wing bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Committing genocide and stealing land? You obviously need a good history lesson as much as Obama does.

Anonymous said...

Always an anti-semitic moron who would rather stroke a do nothing weed-smoking piece of crap rather than appreciate one who put the safety of his country before his own life. The Jew-hater that also hates Blacks, but not so much as long as they too hate Jews.

Anonymous said...

Before and after

badger said...

Sounds like anyone who doesn't agree with the bulk of the comments here is immediately labelled anti-semitic. I haven't seen any comments here that fit that notion, however. If that is all you have to support your views it a piss poor argument indeed. I'm not a big Obama fan (I voted against him) but he is what we have for four more years. America is on a precarious slope and if Americans don't pull together as Americans foreign policy will become quickly irrelevant. Decisions today should be based on which scenario is best for the country as a whole. Unfortunately most think about what is best for them and lose sight of the country that made their success possible in the first place.

Anonymous said...

The Jews are a product of what happened during the 2. During World War II. Or at leat someone still feel to use that period.
It makes it just not right to treat other peoples as they themselves were treated.
Btw. I would rather spend some time with O than a N.