Thursday, April 7, 2011

Where do The 2012ers stand on Paul Ryan's Plan?

Mindful of the political risks, most Republican presidential hopefuls treaded gingerly after House Republicans unveiled a budget plan that would slash federal spending by about $5 trillion over 10 years while revamping health programs for the elderly and poor.
The full story is HERE.

Ryan's plan, "The Path To Prosperity" can be viewed HERE.

Mitt Romney:

"I applaud Rep. Paul Ryan for recognizing the looming financial crisis that faces our nation and for the creative and bold thinking that he brings to the debate. He is setting the right tone for finally getting spending and entitlements under control. Anyone who has read my book knows that we are on the same page."

Mitch Daniels:

"The first serious proposal produced by either party to deal with the overriding issue of our time. Anyone criticizing this plan without offering a specific and equally bold program of his own has failed in the public duty to be honest and clear with Americans about the gravest danger we are facing together."

Mike Huckabee:

"It's doubtful the House's proposal will be passed in its current form and it's unlikely that this one proposal will be the ultimate solution to all of our economic problems," Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee acknowledged on his blog, calling the proposal "a start" that he supports.

Haley Barbour:

"Rep. Ryan's budget recognizes the problem with government: too much spending without fiscal responsibility,"

Newt Gingrich:

"Paul Ryan is going to define modern conservatism at a serious level. You can quibble over details but the general shape of what he's doing will define 2012 for Republicans."

Michelle Backmann:

Michele Bachmann, the lone likely presidential contender with a vote on the budget, said she looked forward to reviewing the full budget proposal and that "it is time to put our nation on a sustainable fiscal path."

Tim Pawlenty:

He called Ryan a leader — and then took the opportunity to bash the Democrat he hopes to challenge, saying, "President Obama has failed to lead and make tough choices his entire time in the White House."

Sarah Palin:

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin weighed in with a Twitter posting: "There is hope! Serious & necessary leadership rolls out serious & necessary reform proposal. Good start." She directed readers to a column she wrote in December that praised Ryan.

Rick Santorum:

Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum seemed willing to embrace the plan. But he only focused on part of it, saying, "The Republicans' approach to reforming Medicare is right on target to streamline the program, reduce waste and allow future Medicare beneficiaries to have more of a say in the needs of their benefits with a market."


Anonymous said...

Daniels had the absolute best response to Ryan's plan. Schmuckabee was predictable in his armchair sniping.

Daniels, "Anyone criticizing this plan without offering a specific and equally bold program of his own has failed in the public duty to be honest and clear with Americans about the gravest danger we are facing together>'

I'm looking at you Schmuckster.

Revolution 2012 said...

Romney and Daniels gave good responses.