Mike Huckabee 18%
Mitt Romney 17%
Sarah Palin 16%
Newt Gingrich 14%
Ron Paul 9%
Tim Pawlenty 5%
Mitch Daniels 4%
Haley Barbour 1%
Someone else/Undecided 15%
Minus Huckabee:
Mitt Romney 20%
Sarah Palin 19%
Newt Gingrich 18%
Ron Paul 12%
Tim Pawlenty 6%
Mitch Daniels 5%
Haley Barbour 4%
Jon Huntsman 2%
Someone else/Undecided 15%
Minus Palin:
Mike Huckabee 22%
Newt Gingrich 20%
Mitt Romney 18%
Ron Paul 9%
Tim Pawlenty 7%
Mitch Daniels 4%
Haley Barbour 3%
Jon Huntsman 2%
Someone else/Undecided 14%
Minus both Huckabee & Palin:
Mitt Romney 24%
Newt Gingrich 24%
Ron Paul 12%
Tim Pawlenty 6%
Haley Barbour 5%
Rick Santorum 5%
Mitch Daniels 4%
Jon Huntsman 2%
Someone else/Undecided 18%
PPP surveyed 600 national Republican primary voters from March 10th to 13th. Thesurvey’s margin of error is +/-4.1%. Other factors, such as refusal to be interviewed and weighting, may introduce additional error that is more difficult to quantify.Click the PPP icon below to view the crosstabs:

Instead of all these horse races with a half dozen or more potential candidates, I'd like to see some head-to-heads with the top five: Romney, Pawlenty, Gingrich, Palin, and Huckabee.
Each of these has at least some claim to be able to survive IA and NH, through the winnowing period, into SC and FL, and on to Super Tuesday, whatever that means.
It's beginning to look like Romney may have this nomination in the bag.
So it's down to Romney and Gingrich?
I wonder who the so-cons would support.
A person with strong family values and faith, or a philanderer with little or no scruples or morals.
"So it's down to Romney and Gingrich?
I wonder who the so-cons would support.'
If they're not hypocrites, it won't be Newt!
We are not there at the nightmare senario yet (Mr. Gingrich vs Mr. Romney,) but I for one would not vote for Mr. Gingrich (or Mr. Daniels,) I'd either vote for Mr. Romney (if I was in a good mood) or essenially throw my vote away (if I was not in a good mood.)
Hey, good to see you Jersey!
Agree. Romney vs Newt.
Thats a no brainer. Romney. But then again, he's head and shoulders above ALL the current crop of candidates, including the Fox 1 and Fox 2 candidates.
"he's head and shoulders above ALL the current crop of candidates," Yeah, he is an expert in economic non sense.
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