Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New blood in Congress disappointed at President Obama's 2012 budget proposal

Fox News interviewed Rep. David Schweikert a freshman Congressman from Arizona's fifth District and his take on President Obama's 2012 budget proposal:

The full story is HERE.


Granny T said...

I'm leaving soon or I'd write up something to post. Google "Walker Wisconsin" and click on "past 24 hours" to read some of what is going on - a real hornets nest. Madison had to close schools because of teachers calling in sick to protest.

IMO it's a good thing to see a newly elected Gov. trying to find a way to cut cost by taking on the unions. How can the private sector continue paying public servants more than they are earning themselves?

Ann said...

Congressman Schweikert seems like a very sincere man. I hope he doesn't lose his resolve and just go along with the others.

Revolution 2012 said...

I don't know much about him but what I hear in this quick video, I like.