Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Huck: RomneyCare is sick

I'm somewhat surprised that he would use his book to wage this battle. I believe it helps to support the opinion many have that he has no intention of running for president. Otherwise, it would have been wise to wait for the campaign to go on the attack. Whether he runs or not, it's clear that he intends to do whatever it takes to prevent Romney from winning the nomination. Should Romney secure the nomination, I suspect that this disqualifies Huckabee from consideration as his running mate.

Politico reports:
In his new book, Mike Huckabee trashes “RomneyCare” – saying it’s “socialized medicine” that has exploded costs, worsened care for patients, and brought the nation President Obama’s unpopular health care reform plan.

In a chapter in "A Simple Government," Huckabee uses Mitt Romney’s Massachusetts health care program to bolster his arguments against Obama's reforms, yoking the two tightly together.

"If our goal in health-care reform is better care at lower cost, then we should take a lesson from RomneyCare, which shows that socialized medicine does not work," he writes.

Huckabee spent two pages of the book detailing the studies that have shown RomneyCare has failed, and calling it a clear precursor to the national law.


"Not only is ObamaCare cost prohibitive, it's already been shown to not work!" Huckabee writes on page 84 of the book.

"In chapter 2, I mentioned how the federal government ignored the negative results of the health-care 'experiment' known as RomneyCare. It could be argued that if RomneyCare were a patient, the prognosis would be dismal. 'No one but Mr. Romney disagrees,' quipped Joseph Rago, senior editorial writer for the Wall Street Journal, in a piece entitled 'The Massachusetts Health-Care Train Wreck.'"


He adds, "You get one guess as to who now has the highest average health-insurance premiums in the country. Yep, it's Massachusetts!"

Read more


CraigS said...

Hi All
The Arkansas simpleton comes up with another pie in his own eye. Yes Massachusetts has the highest health care costs in America. It had the highest health care costs before Romney was government. And, arguably, which state has the best health care ? Hint. Hint. It's not wonderful, wonderful Arkansas. In fact Arkansas is near the bottom.
So get serious Mike. You are beginning to sound like an inarticulate Barack Obama


Anonymous said...

At this point, there are precious few things that would sway me to vote for Romney in the primary. A Huck candidacy would, assuming that Romney had the best chance of beating Huck.


Bill589 said...

Don’t worry. Sarah will take care of Huck and Mitt, and/or anybody else the establishment throws at her.

Right Wingnut said...

What a stark contrast....

Palin praises Romney in her book, even though he's a potential opponent...Huckabee uses his to attack Romney.

Anonymous said...

Has Huck ever apologized to the families of the victims of his 1033 commutations/pardons/clemencies?


Huckabee 1033
Romney 0
Palin 0

Huckabee the winner or is it LOSER?


Doug NYC GOP said...

Failing to offer any HC reform for his own state, the two-faced, class warrior hypocrite still feels the need to rip Romney.

He won't run because he is not in the financial or physical shape to do so. Rather, he sit on his lily pad of a TV show, croaking away to undermine a Romney candidacy.

The man is a toad.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is there anything in Massachusetts, other than maybe a sea food meal, that is cheaper than midwestern states? Every time I have travelled to the midwest, I am surprised at how inexpensive things are. We live in a metro area, and things cost WAY more here. Our car insurance premiums are about the fourth highest in the US. Of course, we can and do drive fast--45 city, 65-75 freeway here. My teenagers' car insurance is outrageous! Massachusetts is an expensive place to live; of course, their health care is going to cost, as well! It's another stupid Mike comment, proving again that he has no class. Surprise, surprise, surprise!!