Sunday, December 5, 2010

National Review: "The question is not, How can she win the GOP nomination? but “How can she not win it?”

Mike Poterma from National Review hasn't bought in to the "Palin isn't electable" nonsense. In the article, he makes the case that the nomination is hers if she wants it.
When I see the fervor of Sarah Palin’s fans — and by no means just those who swell the adoring crowds who go to her public appearances — I am convinced that the question is not, “How can she win the GOP nomination?” but “How can she not win it?” When you have anywhere between five and fifteen GOP candidates, all expressing basically the same conservative views, how can anyone other than the only one with the passionate fan base possibly win?


The most basic underpinning for this view is the notion that she can’t beat Obama, and I think this is a profoundly mistaken assumption. It is based on a too-abstract understanding of the qualifications for the presidency: It holds Palin up against an ideal presidential résumé, and finds her inadequate — which is true enough, but neither fair nor quite relevant. It’s important to remember that in a 2012 general election, she would be confronting not an ideal presidential profile, but an all-too-human flesh-and-blood opponent. The choice between Palin and Obama, phrased in the least flattering (to Palin) possible way, is a choice between a woman who may turn out to be seriously inadequate to the job and, therefore, become a failed president; and a man who has already convincingly demonstrated that he is seriously inadequate to the job and, therefore, already is a failed president. This rather changes the “electability” issue, doesn’t it?


No, I think the only way Palin will not be the GOP nominee is if she finds a safe, face-saving way to exit the race before the primaries.

Read the whole thing HERE


Anonymous said...

This Mike guy is an idiot! The Republican party is not suicidal!

BOSMAN said...

HaNaHaHa! Well if Mike says it's so, It must be so.

70-75% of Americans that don't think she's qualified got it wrong and better get their act together.

Anonymous said...

If you CAN'T WIN THE GENERAL, what good is it to win the nomination?


Anonymous said...

First of all, it is a little presumptive to claim that Mrs. Palin cannot win the general with two years left to go. Further, what good is it to be President if you do not have the will to undue the damage that Mr. Obama has done?

Of the Big 4 Mrs. Palin is the most serious about dismantling Socialism. If the Anti-Palin forces are serious, they would draft a candidate who can get more than 12% in Montana.


Bill589 said...

Palin can beat Obama because she doesn’t have a ‘big government’ history.

I don’t understand how Mitt can.
As far as I’ve seen, he won’t even call Masscare a mistake. If he would, conservatives and the TPM might forgive, forget, and have a real choice in the election.

We don’t want somebody who can just do big government better than Obama. We want constitutional limitations restored.

Anonymous said...

Too funny. Palin ran the most socialist state in the union, Alaska. In Alaska, nearly 40% of the state's GDP comes from government revenues.

All Romney did was shift the burden of a pre-existing mandate around.