Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Weekly Standard Author Skewers Palin's Alaska Reality Show

As devoted Sarah Palin fans get set to gather their families around their TV sets for the airing of tonight's second installment of the TLC reality show, "Alsaka's Sarah Palin" -- pardon me, "Sarah Palin's Alaska" - the Weekly Standard's Matt Labash has a blistering review of the show on their web site. It's a little surprising, since the WS has in the past been a pro-Palin entitiy.

Labash offers a scathing account of the show, as well as a commentary on the machinations and calculated moves behind the show's creation. Right from the opening paragraph, Labash let's loose with both barrells:

Matt Labash

"Just how Sarah is Sarah Palin’s Alaska, her new hit reality show on the TLC network? It’s soooo flippin’ Sarah, as Sarah would say. And it’s soooo Alaska, which Palin pronounces “A-LASK-ahhhh.” She repeats this on the show over and over again, as though we might forget where she’s from otherwise. She says it in that chirpy honk that, to her legions of fans, represents the music of Mom, apple pie, and flyover country. To her legions of enemies, it is the sound of gum smacking and syntax breaking. As Palin intones in the show’s opening, “A-LASK-ahhhh—I love this state like I love my family.” Except that she didn’t give her family up after governing it for two-and-a-half years, so that she could get a Fox News contract, and make 100 grand per speech, and write two books in a year, and drag her entire family onto a tacky reality show."

It doesn't get any better from that point on. Labash examines Palin's adroit and constant use of social media, her love-hate relationship with the Lame Stream Media and how she has nutured and gained from her explosive celebrity. Palin fans won't appreciate all the details and the authors caustic comments, while Palin detractors will relish in them.

Seems like something for just about everybody!

(This post is meant to inform, not agitate.)


Right Wingnut said...

Ha, Ha. I like your little note at the bottom. You get an "A" for creativity.

Doug NYC GOP said...

RWN -- Imitiation is the sincerest form of flattery. :)

Right Wingnut said...

Doug, Like most other sites (including RIGHT SPEAK), the Weekly Standard offers divergent opinions on the political scene. There have been positive Palin articles on there recently:

Nov 17th:
A Tale of Two Palin Profiles
The New York Times Magazine gets the governor right.

Oct 17th:
'Five Myths About Sarah Palin'

Weeekly Standard Executive Editor, Fred Barnes was quoted speaking of Palin in complimentary terms the other day.

"When moderator and API president Gary Palmer asked the panelists for their take on potential 2012 presidential candidates, Moore brought up the names Chris Christie, Paul Ryan and Mike Pence. “Moore forgot Sarah Palin!” exclaimed Barnes, who said that Palin is the most solidly conservative possibility with a tremendous following."

I don't expect all 21 writers at The Weekly Standard to support Sarah Palin. It's highly unlikely that the author of this piece was ever a supporter in the first place. And, to be honest, I don't really care.

Right Wingnut said...

I missed part of the Barnes quote...

"While he considered Jim DeMint to also be a good potential candidate, Barnes said “Never underestimate Sarah Palin.”

Right Wingnut said...

Ted, Palin is not going to do what you want her to do.

Doug NYC GOP said...

RWN - I tweaked my title so as not mis-lead any potential readers into thinking the entire Weekly Standard organization was looking unfavorably upon Gov. Palin's show.

Fairness trumps partiality in my book.

BOSMAN said...

Do you mean to tell me, that at the WS, they don't feel the love?

This WS article will regurgitate into at least 5 threads over at C4P.

Anonymous said...

These Palin posts are getting pretty funny. It's not your fault Doug.

You can't talk about here policy on issues, because she doesn't have any.

Everything she seems to do that is news worthy (I use that term lightly)is related to her on Fox or the Discovery channel.

Well what I'm discovering, I don't like!


Revolution 2012 said...

My tivo was full. Couldn't record it. I would have had to delete a 3 stooges and Mr. Ed marathon.

Doug NYC GOP said...


I am glad to see you have your priorities right.

Calling Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine!