Monday, November 8, 2010

Again, Sarah Palin Sets the Narrative

Once again, Sarah Palin has shed new light on an issue that could have serious implications for our country for generations to come. I know, I know...Paul Ryan and a few others have tried to make their voice heard on the the dangers of QE2 for a while now. However, they don't have the power to draw attention to an issue in a way that reaches "mainstream America." The overwhelming majority of Americans, myself included, find topics such as quantitative easing somewhat uninteresting.

Enter Sarah Palin(Via National Review)...

"I’m deeply concerned about the Federal Reserve’s plans to buy up anywhere from $600 billion to as much as $1 trillion of government securities. The technical term for it is “quantitative easing.” It means our government is pumping money into the banking system by buying up treasury bonds. And where, you may ask, are we getting the money to pay for all this? We’re printing it out of thin air."

"The Fed hopes doing this may buy us a little temporary economic growth by supplying banks with extra cash which they could then lend out to businesses. But it’s far from certain this will even work. After all, the problem isn’t that banks don’t have enough cash on hand – it’s that they don’t want to lend it out, because they don’t trust the current economic climate."

"And if it doesn’t work, what do we do then? Print even more money? What’s the end game here? Where will all this money printing on an unprecedented scale take us? Do we have any guarantees that QE2 won’t be followed by QE3, 4, and 5, until eventually – inevitably – no one will want to buy our debt anymore? What happens if the Fed becomes not just the buyer of last resort, but the buyer of only resort?"


Read the rest HERE
Yesterday, I brought attention to the National Review article containing her remarks in the Right Speak chat box, and provided a link. The following is an interesting exchange I had with a commenter.

carlo: "I guess if I were a Palin supporter, I wouldn't be able to sleep until I heard her deliver it. Why would she release a speech before she gives it? Boy, she is strange."
Right Wingnut: "Carlo, Because now, the media will be forced to cover it. If it was anyone else, they would be ignored...hence the power of Palin."
carlo: "Ya right, Fox will be forced to cover it."
Hmmm..."She's strange"..."Only Fox will cover it...." Just for fun, let's see how the story ends, shall we?

New York Sun:

"Was it her time running a state whose economy is tied to oil, which often tracks gold? Is it that she can see Russia from her door? Is she just smarter than the other candidates? Is it her savvy, and her husband’s, at running a fishing business? Is it her journalistic instinct? Or does she read more papers than Katie Couric? No matter, she is now out in front of yet another issue as there is about to convene a new Congress of the United States in which she has a brace of allies indebted to her for her help in getting elected. Mr. Bernanke seems to have blithely ignored his other critics, but it will be more dangerous to ignore the Mamma Grizzly."

Wall Street Journal:

"The former Alaskan Governor showed sound political and economic instincts by inveighing forcefully against the Federal Reserve's latest round of quantitative easing. According to the prepared text of remarks that she released to National Review online, Mrs. Palin also exhibited a more sophisticated knowledge of monetary policy than any major Republican this side of Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan."

"Mrs. Palin is way ahead of her potential Presidential competitors on this policy point, and she shows a talent for putting a technical subject in language that average Americans can understand." (Note: the second paragraph has mysteriously disappeared. Most likely, someone had their ego bruised.)

Wall Street Journal (2):

"Ms. Palin's remarks Monday were the sharpest yet by a political figure about the Fed announcement. They echoed economists from the left and right who have questioned the policy's effectiveness and potential drawbacks."


"The planned speech at a trade association convention in Phoenix is touted by National Review as a counterweight to President Barack Obama’s economic trip to Asia, where he is meeting with Indian leaders before attending a G-20 summit in South Korea."

In addition, a Google search for "Sarah Palin Federal Reserve" yields 137,000 results for the past 24 hours.

Given that he's an "economic genius," I'm anxiously waiting to hear Mitt Romney's position. Now that Sarah Palin has led the charge, he will most likely conclude that the coast is clear, and issue a statement through his spokesperson sometime in the next few days.


Anonymous said...

You seem to have missed the point of my sarcastic remark.

It was a jab at Fox and their relationship with Palin.

Another words, there was NO WAY Fox wouldn't cover it for Queenie.

They, LIKE YOU, seem to wait with bated breath for her every move.


Anonymous said...

Once again, Mrs. Palin is the only adult in the room. The other candidates do not seem to be bothered about the possibility of out of control inflation.


Right Wingnut said...


Regardless of the intentions of your "sarcastic remark," it helps illustrate why the media breathlessless covers every word and every move Palin makes. Some folks just can't help but come out swinging right out of the gate. Why do you suppose that is? Is she a threat?

carlo said...

Right Wingnut,

"Is she a threat?'


Yes! If she ever got the nomination, We'd have Obama for another 4 years. I call that a threat, yes.

70% of America, feel the same way.

Anonymous said...

Palin had to quit her job as Governor because she was bad at doing her job as Governor. Her obsessed fans don't get what 67% of the voting electorate get today. Her fans continue to fan the flames of Palins raging narcissism. If Palin really cared about the United States, she would recognize that we need someone far more qualified to be our next President and someone who can actually beat President Obama.

Anonymous said...

Why did Sarah Palin quit her job as Governor of Alaska?

So what happened is Sarah continued to be obsessed by every single petty attack against her, real or perceived, by any enemy, from any corner. When she talks about how she was unable to focus on helping Alaska because the governor's office was bogged down in frivolous ethics complaints, what she means is that she was personally consumed with everything bad said about her.

When Ms. Palin made it back to Alaska in November, the state that had once given her an 83 percent approval rating was no longer so enchanted. Democrats who had been crucial to her governing coalition now saw her as a foe. Republican leaders who had previously lost fights with her smelled weakness. An abortion bill she supported requiring parental consent stalled, the Legislature rejected her choice for attorney general and lawmakers became skeptical of the natural gas pipeline effort.

She was met at the Capitol by a growing pile of ethics complaints filed by opponents that, under Alaska state law, had to be investigated.

By all accounts, Ms. Palin became consumed with the complaints, no matter how small-bore — which many were — or where they came from.

Even Ms. Palin’s supporters came to believe that she was losing focus amid all the fighting.

Amid all the turmoil, Ms. Palin’s enthusiasm for the job itself seemed to be waning, her office appointment books from January 2007 through this May indicate. Since her return from the national campaign her days have typically started later and ended earlier, and the number of meetings with local legislators and mayors has declined. The calendars were provided to The New York Times by Andree McLeod, who obtained them through a public records request and has filed ethics complaints against Ms. Palin.

If she can't cut it as Governor of the state of Alaska, she can't cut it as President of the United States.
November 7, 2010 10:27 PM

Anamnesis said...

I'd would rather elect someone willing to relinquish power over a title-clinging politician (i.e. Blagovich, Sanford, Chavez) who refuses to surrender power under any circumstances short of being indicted or ousted in a military coup.

"Quitting" isn't inherently bad, if done for the right reasons. In fact, let's look at her history. Did you know Palin "quit" another six figure job, her oil & gas ethics commissioner job before she became governor? She resigned to protest corruption when the sitting Republican governor wouldn't investigate the state party chair for sharing confidential state documents with an oil lobbyist. She quit because by law as a commissioner she couldn't go public with her concerns because of confidentiality rules. So she quit to be able to blow the whistle on collusion knowing it would probably kill any chance she had to succeed in state politics as a Republican. And you know what happened to that state party chair? He was later given the largest ethics fine in Alaska history, largely because Palin had the courage to put pressure on the governor's office and the Republican party. And what happened to Palin? She became Governor of Alaska.

Now let's look at her situation as governor.

Palin was paid roughly 337,500 in 32 months as governor. After 19 bogus ethics charges against her, she owed around 500,000 in legal fees to her attorney. The current laws of Alaska required that every single filed ethics complaint to be investigated no matter how ridiculous (being photographed with a fish, wearing a jacket with a logo, receiving "cookie" bribes) and all at the personal cost of the defendant. Had she stayed in office another 16 months, she likely would have been forced into bankruptcy because Alaska law does not automatically cover the legal defense of its governors nor was the Attorney General of the state or someone else designated by the state to defend her like all other states. If you were working in a job that was costing you almost twice as much to go into work everyday than you were making would you stay there?

Even her set up of a legal defense fund like other politicians have was deemed unethical (It was arguably the strictest legal defense fund in history with all the restrictions it had for those who could donate) wherein a politically motivated investigator suggested Palin should just let Alaska taxpayers pay for her legal defense. They wanted Alaskans to take the bullet for the political malice of Palin's enemies.. In less than a year, she racked up half-a-million (to put this in perspective, her salary as Governor was only 125,000 a year and she had even declined a 25,000 raise by the legislature) in legal charges with much more to come.

One can argue that she should have just fought her enemies instead of letting them win.

If you decide to continue fighting your enemies at the expense of the people you serve is that even ethical? If your presence in office is causing heavy collateral damage to your state, is it smart and ethical to remain in office no matter the cost? Has any politician at the state level attracted the volume of attacks directed at Palin? Is it normal for a governor to go personally bankrupt defending themselves against bogus ethics complaints? Palin incurred almost twice as much legal debt as the salary she drew as governor. Every day she spent in office she was one day closer to personal bankruptcy.

These frivolous lawsuits effectively paralyzed her administration by wasting time and money doing research for countless Freedom of Information Act requests and addressing the ethics charges. The estimated cost of wasted time for the State of Alaska was 2 million and rising. By resigning, she effect

Anamnesis said...

*By resigning she effectively took the circus out of Alaska.

Anonymous said...

*By resigning she effectively took the circus out of Alaska.

Well she may have taken the circus out of Alaska, but,in the event you read my post above, it was pointed out in the articles listed that at the time of her resignation she was not doing her job as Governor. She was consumed by complaints from her personal and political life. She could no longer function as Governor of the state of Alaska because she was to busy worrying about what people thought of her. As her popularity waned so did her interest in being Governor of Alaska.

This tells me she is a very thinned skinned individual, one who lacks the strength of character and leadership skills necessary to be POTUS.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:13 - WOW. Anamnesia, intelligently and truthfully, countered your argument and you spun it right back around to your tired meme.

GOOD JOB ANAMNESIA!!! Don't let the blind take your sight!!!


Revolution 2012 said...

Hey RWN,

Read Bosman's Post.

Are you happy you posted this?
Seems Sarah makes up things as she goes along.

Right Wingnut said...

Rev, Read the entire WSJ article and get back to me. If after reading it, you still hold the same opinion, you're being intellectually dishonest.

Right Wingnut said...


Awesome analysis. That's one worth book-marking.

Anonymous said...

RW, don't bother with some of these guys. They are now convinced...after reading Bosman's post...that Palin made up, using her own words, the second portion of her comeback...they don't even understand the "supposed" will they ever understand the fact that Reddy cited many examples of inflation in grocery stores in the same exact article? They despise Palin so much that they aren't even willing to read the Reddy articles or, perhaps even worse, they are so intellectually dishonest they'd rather disregard the truth to help their meme.


Right Wingnut said...

they are so intellectually dishonest they'd rather disregard the truth to help their meme--JR
